Saturday, September 13, 2014


Hello Sexy Ladies and Cute Gentlemen. It has actually been a great weekend. I sleep well well today, been a while I slept like the way I did today. How is your weekend going? Hen hen, have you downloaded THE RED ALERT MIXTAPE - VOLUME 1? The one DJ T'Frizzle did for this blog....NO? are dulling ooo, oya download it sharp sharp ------>> HERE . You won't regret having this great mixtape in your playlist. Get grooving.

So this evening, I have brought someone of great value to you people. Oludami is no ordinary person one can just get to write a guest post, he's an international man, he blogs at He's really a great brother. Visit his blog to know more about him. But before that, he's got an important message for you. Enjoy:


Everybody keeps talking about change. And truly, many aspire to become change agents. We determine…and work towards it…but along the line…when we really think about it – or when we actually attempt change – it becomes overwhelming…and then the “all or nothing” syndrome takes over. And change never happens.

Let me explain myself better before you get pissed.

"All or nothing" syndrome (not the psychological “all or nothing” thinking) is that awkward moment when you have a lot of things to do (tasks or goals); these things seem so much/big, you begin to wonder how you’d pull them off…so much that your thoughts begin to wear you off. You get lazier, and at the end of the day you end up doing nothing 'cause you either procrastinated or just couldn't get stuff done – or you simply canceled – out of fear of magnitude.

I bet you’ve been in this kinda situation a lot of times. I’ve been there too, ‘cause I’m as human as any other person is. I start complaining about how busy my day’s gonna get because of the so many things I’ve got to do…and I end up doing not even one.

This is not peculiar to us as individuals; organizations, governments (especially those wacky politicians), and even religious bodies all find themselves setting up big goals they never get to achieve.

Change is also often affected by this "all or nothing" syndrome.

People promise change and resolve to be “change agents” in their time…few years pass, and we see no iota of change.

The truth is change, like every other great phenomenon, starts small. It starts somewhere. It starts however!

No matter the volume of tasks you’ve got, taking baby steps and doing one little, single thing after another, would see you get something done however.

The big mistake “change agents” make is that they want to make sudden impacts; they look only at the big picture (which is very good, by the way), but refuse to consider the steps needed to achieve that big change.

And that’s why “change” often never works.

“I want to make a difference and influence this world positively”; “I want to make big impact on my generation”; “I want to change the world”….these are common sayings in everyone’s mouth, but what are you doing to achieve these?

They are very sweet and easy to say, but have you mapped out how you are going to get there? And most importantly, are you already showing any change prospect?

Always remember this; ideas are what dreams are made of!

We mostly have this mindset that only doing big things can help us fulfill these mantras turned clichés.

I hear talks like; “I will ensure I change Nigeria when I get a good political post”; “I will fight corruption in this country when I become a Judge”…you know yours. What do you plan to do when you have the “capacity”?

What happens to NOW?

If you have the dream of pastoring a big church someday, how many people have you shown the way personally? If you have the goal of becoming “the president Nigeria really needs” someday, how have you made your own immediate family better? If you have the dream of becoming a big motivational speaker, how have you changed any of your friends?

I read an inspiring story that changed my mindset about "change".

A man on a beach was seen from afar picking and hurling things into the ocean. When someone moved near him, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time, he was throwing them back into the water.

The watching man was puzzled (seeing there were thousands of starfish washed ashore) and asked the man what he was doing. The other simply replied;
“If I don’t throw them back into the sea, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen”.

“You can’t possibly get to all of them,” the watching man told him, “and don’t you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches…can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?”

The man smiled, bent down, and picked up yet another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied, “Made a difference to that one!”

This should be your mindset; start changing the world around you, one at a time; One person at a time. One child at a time. One handicap at a time. One criminal at a time. One rape victim at a time. One orphan at a time. One animal at a time…..whatever your dream prospect is.

Change someone or something today. Because truly, that’s how change occurs!

Cheers to real Change,


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Thanks and God bless.

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