Monday, March 23, 2015

ROOM 101 - A TRUE LIFE STORY BY DANCE BUG: THE END [ @graciousdemmie ]

Just incase you missed EPISODE 2, read ----->> HERE . ENJOY the Concluding Part!

Surprisingly, as an undergraduate she missed me more whenever I'm in school but whenever I'm home, she is back to her normal behaviour so I spent more time in school than home because I needed a mother's attention desperately.

My dad once told me that I should get married at the age of 23. He did not just tell me alone but also told my cousin too how he wanted me to get married at 23 and I wondered, why 23? What's behind that 23? Was there any agreement for 23? Is that when he would stop taking care of me? I got worried and started getting involved in any job that came my way (Legit jobs mind you).

He would say things like:
"You need to learn how to be independent because we won't be there for you always", my mom too said the same thing.

It got me more scared that the urge to start planning my future increased, knowing so well that I'm not part of the family, if anything should happen to that man I'm done for.

Well.........the urge died the day I got raped in search for a better future. Don't ask how, it's a story for another day.

Now I'm a graduate, going back to that same house I have been running away from. What can I do to keep the love growing? How can I know the truth about my identity? Even when I find him what should I do? That's even if he is alive.
One thing is sure and that thing is

.....but still PLEASE I NEED YOUR ADVICE!!!!!

Written by: Dance Bug
BBM Pin: 2B6C2E67
Ff on Twitter: @graciousdemmie


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Thanks and God bless.

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