Friday, January 9, 2015

Read the episodes you missed here ----->>> EPISODE 1, EPISODE 2 and EPISODE 3. Enjoy the Episode 4!!!

I can vividly remember that night as he dropped me ay home, I was lying on bed as my mind kept reminiscing about the event that played out during the day, I thought to myself what could possibly be the sacrifice? Should I be swimming in penury and allow Tina marry someone else? I couldn't afford to loose Tina for my world revolves round her, I picked my phone up and dialed Kelvin's phone number, it rang the first time but he didn't answer, so I dialed his number again and this time his husky voice came alive, sounding like was fast asleep,
"Daniel whatsup!"

His sluggish way of talking couldn't deter me as I went straight to the main reason why I called him at the depth of the night,
"Kelvin am ready to take whatever steps involved, so far as at the end I become rich" I said
"Okay! Come to my house by morning, since its Saturday, let's go see Baba Olumo together" He said.

Walking through the bush paths as Kelvin had parked his car by the road and we engaged in this long tedious trekking into the forest, though Kelvin walked with confidence while I stood behind him as he led the way, we got to a spot as he stopped abruptly and then turned to me as he spoke with a low tone almost whispering,
"We just stepped into Baba Olumo's shrine, be mindful of the thing you do or say to avoid repercussions"

My feet began to shake as I used my eyes to scan to see if I could signify that we were in the presence of Baba Olumo but nothing signified, so I began to walk so close to Kelvin and then from my side I saw the swiftness a cat used in running beside me, I could not contain my fear as I screamed very loud and turned to see the direction the cat was coming from only for me to see an elderly man with long white beards and a walking stick, he was stack naked as I closed my eyes for my being was engulfed in a whirlwind of fear, and that was when I heard Kelvin's voice,
"Great Baba Olumo, the ancient and modern, the olumo rock himself, we greet you"

I peeped and saw that Kelvin was kneeling down, instantly I joined him too in kneeling, I was abashed when Baba Olumo called me by my name without me telling him who I was,
"Daniel you have been brought to the right place, we would break an ancestral curse placed on you by the slaves your grand father sold to the white man, to do that we need blood", Baba Olumo declared.

I was petrified to even open my eyes but suddenly Baba Olumo began to sing in a funny language only him could understand, and then paused at intervals as he danced from end to another,
"The blood of a family member is needed to break this curse, in fact Bring you father on your next visit, he shall be sacrificed on the altar of Olumo to appease the wailing voices of the slaves, Olumo has spoken" he said.

My eyes still closed as I was too afraid to open my eyes, it was Kelvin who informed me that I could open my eyes that it was time for us to go and that Baba Olumo was gone.
"We would plan as if its kidnap and then send boys to bundle him and bring him down to Baba Olumo's shrine" Kelvin said.

I was surprised at the way he talked about my father without any emotions, this was a man that gave me his best so that I could be bigger than him, I was bleeding inside but kept a straight face, a date was agreed for the kidnap.

I sat with Papa at the veranda eating his favorite egusi soup, my heart was bleeding because any moment the planned kidnappers would come to carry him to be sacrificed on the alter of Baba Olumo, he noticed that my countenance was a bit different as he kept asking,
"Are you sure you are okay?"

Not long had I carried the empty plates to the backyard of the house did I hear the sound of a car screeching in front of the house, then the voice of people shouting, by the time I could run to the front of the house, the car was long gone! The deed has been settled, though I was sad but a part of me was happy that I would be officially ushered into the big league. I was home that evening attending to sympathizers who came in numbers to console us.

By the break of dawn I quickly dressed and rushed towards Kelvin's house, as I got to his gate the security man who would swing the gate wide open refused me from gaining entrance, leaving me with a flimsy excuse,
"Oga sey make we no allow anybody enter him house today"

Pissed at the gateman, I decided to sit by the corner of the gate and wait for Kelvin's car, sitting under the scorching sun for almost three hours and the gate opened as Kelvin's car drove out, he had two other male companion in his car, I stood up and wiped the dust off my buttocks as I ran towards his car, he stopped the car the moment he saw me and then whined down his car glass and then asked me,
"Daniel, what are you doing here?"
"Kelvin is that not a weird question? Thought we had a deal that we are meant to settle today?" I replied

He smiled and shook his head, then looked at the two guys with him inside the car and smiled again before looking at me and said,
"You are just a big fool, I swear! I never knew you could fall for such hoax, if you don't get out of my front, I'll reverse this car and then jam you"

I was petrified as I could not phantom the huge dilemma I had engulfed myself into, I began to scream, shouting at the top of my voice,
"What have you done to Dad?"

Kelvin was unperturbed at my actions if it could raise suspicion, he stretched his hand on the dashboard, pulled out his sunglass, wore it as he looked at the other guys in his car and they all burst into laughter and chorused,
"Baba Olumo!!".

Almost the same time, one of the guys that was in the car looked at me though still smiling as he said,
"You are lucky we did not put you were your father is too, don't you know your organs are far more healthier than that of your father, just thank Kelvin here who was kind enough to exclude your name from our prospective list, the dead carcass of your dad is in the booth, if you want it we can hand it over to you".

I fell to the ground as I was speechless, tears drooling down my cheek, shocked to my being that I had killed the one man who had faith in me, I was dazed the more when the third accomplice pulled his head out of the window and said,
"Don't bother to call the police because that would be a total waste of time".

And then immediately they drove off, I sat down on the floor crying, cursing mother earth and myself when my phone rang, I pulled it out of my breast pocket only to see that the caller was Tina. be continued.

Written by: Husband Material
BBM Pin: 291862DB
Ff on twitter - @husband_materia


#Wonder_By_KoLz #Wonder_By_KoLz #Wonder_By_KoLz #Wonder_By_KoLz
KoLz; the runner up of the Ben Television Awards #Road2Fame will be dropping a party jam tomorrow, Jan. 10th (His Birthday); which he titles WONDER from his forthcoming album THE GENESIS. Stay tuned to your favorite music blogs to get your copy.
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