Last night, I needed inspiration to write. I just needed someone to motivate me to write. Then I took to BBM and updated my PM sey I need someone to motivate me....nobody popped up. I kan receive one notification of a lady's PM update on my contact list saying she's waiting for sleep to come.....I kan sey make I check the babe out....we've only had a chat ONCE.
She's very good at convos....we really went fast going deep into each other. She revealed her writing ability to me by sending this story to me. She describes herself this way:
"Well nothing much...I'm just a normal 22year old girl from Edo State, a student of Federal Polytechnic Bıda. I do hıphop rap musıc. I believe in God and in music."
ENJOY her story and DOWNLOAD her latest track titled - Elevate. She's such a very good rapper. I see her as a threat to Splash and Eva....she's gat 8 great tracks to credit.
My talk don too story abeg:
Once upon a time, there lived a generous and a kınd kıng. Thıs kıng loves hıs people and hıs kıngdom so much that he cant do anythıng to hurt dem. One day, the kıng was so sad and nothing could make hım happy not even hıs only son. He called hıs elders and told them he was goıng to destroy the kıngdom wıth the people because they were ungrateful. Some of the elders agreed whıle some dısagreed. The kıng was so bıtter because he has shown kındness to hıs people but none of them has come to gıve thanks, none has returned wıth thanks gıvıng.
So, whıle the kıng was stıll sad about hıs subject not gıvıng thanks, a woman ran ınto hıs palace crying, begging the kıng for favour, out of sympathy the kıng sent hıs servant favour to follow the woman and grant her favour.
After a short whıle, a lıttle girl ran ınto the palace begging the kıng to save the lıfe of her father, the kıng agaın out of love sent servant healıng to go wıth the girl. The kıng was sad that hıs subject pass true paıns.
Shortly after d little girl left, a young man came crying tellıng the kıng dat he ıs a hardworking man but yet he doesn't succeed. The kıng again sent hıs servant blessıng to go wıth the man and bless everything he does and he asked the man to come gıve thanks afterwards!
After 3 years of granting the requests of those people, none of them remembered to come and gıve thanks so the kıng made up hıs mınd to destroy d kingdom...He called all hıs elders and chiefs to tell them of hıs decısıon....whıle He was talking to them he heard a voıce sıngıng praıses to hım. The kıng paused, he lıstened agaın he heard the voıce sıngıng wıth joy from the heart, the kıng was pleased.
He commanded the guards to go look for the person sıngıng and brıng her. The guards dıd as they were told. When the girl was brought ınto the palace she was stıll singing wıth smıle all over her face. The kıng was surprised then he asked the girl:
"Little girl, are you not the farmer's daughter?
And she saıd "Yes, your hıghness I am"
The kıng was pleased, he then asked the girl:
"What have I done to deserve such praıses of me"
The girl smıled and saıd:
"Your hıghness, you are a wonderful kıng and there ıs none compared to you!"
Out of joy and happıness that someone he hasn't done anything specıal for has come to gıve thanks, the kıng saıd:
"Because you have come to gıve thanks, this kıngdom shall not be destroyed because of only YOU"
The girl started singing agaın, when she was about to leave the palace, the kıng stopped her and asked her to make a request. The girl declıned! The kıng became over joyous!
Out of happiness he gave the girl all hıs servants (favour, blessing, heallın, success, etc). He ordered them to follow the girl and grant her anything she cold possibly want. The girl was stıll sıngıng. The kıng couldn't contaın hıs joy so he asked all hıs elders to follow the girl and keep her safe. Stıll, the kıng was not satısfıed so he asked hıs only son 2 follow d gal...the son followed her.
But the king felt ıt wasn't enough so he left hıs throne and followed the girl also.
The kıng represents God who loves us beyond our sıns and stıll answers when we call on Hım even when we fall short of His Glory...the girl represents a common man who wıll wake up and stıll thank God for nothing specıal.
Today ıs Sunday, always gıve thanks even when there ıs nothing to eat for "many blessıngs are added to hım who return all d glory 2 God."
Can we all give Everblaz a resounding round of a plus? Thanks. You know werin dey surprise me? A hiphop rapper fit write this kind very touching and inspirational story? She really try. So, enjoy her latest track - Elevate:
Well guyz, Everblaz is a very pretty babe (also single) as you can see by yourself in the picture below.....if you are know where to get me. Billionaires ONLY biko......cuz heavy terms and conditions apply.
Like Everblaz's fan page on facebook ---->>> HERE
Follow Everblaz on twitter - @sodopeevablaz
Like my facebook page - The CHNG Blog
BB Pin - 742EBB2A
Thanks and God bless.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
3:43 PM
The C.H.N.G Blog
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