You are shocked abi? That I fast and pray? Who does not pray? Although, many of us don't like to fast but I must make you know that there is nothing as powerful as fasting.
We have bin made to realize in my family that ONE of the ways (if not the ONLY way) to connect with God is by FASTING. So in our house, if there is anything proving to be hard on any of us and we need God's quick intervention, we fast.
Today, I'm gonna be sharing with you 2 big problems that troubled me so bad for a long time in the past, I had to fast and pray for 3 solid days at different times to get out of each of them. There are also some soft crisis prayers and fasting conquered in my life but they really don't matter. I bless God for my Parents.....I cannot but thank them for been there for me during these scary times.
I'll give you one of them this morning and then publish the second later in the evening.....I don't want to give a long story that will at the end get you frustrated.
Asthma is one big crisis one should not pray to have. I actually fought this deadly sickness for over 3 years. I wasn't born as an asthmatic patient. It all started when I was in S.S 2. It was during our Founder's Day in school that year....that night we had a bon fire show.....there was cold that night. Me kan mumu in the name of celebration comot my shirt.....kan dey dance round the fire with bare chest, taking in all the smoke.....screaming out aloud in joy.....I lost my voice and had sour throat at the end.
I remember sleeping on the school's field (where the bon fire took place) that night in the crazy cold. How stupid I was to have triggered an asthma attack. The first attack I ever had occurred the next day.....Before this time, I no even know sey I get asthma. I could remember how my mum gave me large amount of rob substance to swallow.....I really can't recollect the litres of hot water I was made to drink that night when all my nostrils were blocked. I couldn't breath. My mum had to ask me if I had smoked the previous night. I never begin dey smoke that time. My siblings and I lived with my mum in the school's staff quarters (she was a teacher in my school's junior classes before she had her own school). The school's clinic was opened the next day because of me.
I had several attacks afterwards which almost took my life. Most of the attacks I has always start with serious mum was always quick to know the kind of Catarrh that will lead to an asthma she treated them as fast as possible. There was one attack I had that almost took my life. I was in class and suddenly my breathing became heavy and uncontrollable.....I left school immediately and went to meet my mum in her class.....she ordered me to go to the clinic immediately. I never used an inhaler. On my way to the clinic, I felt a lil bit relieved and I thought it had I went to the quarters to rest. When I got home, I fell to the ground and started struggling for air.....I saw LIFE holding my left hand and DEATH held the other hand. Both were struggling to win me to their side.
God brought my mum home just at the right time and she quickly rushed me to the clinic. That was where they advised I get an inhaler.....I rejected it totally. Instead, I was placed on one type of injection (I cant even remember the name). I was to be injected every 6 months. That injection mad gaaannnn.....Na over an hour e dey take to collect the injection. So, I would have to be patient with a nurse injecting the stuff through one of the veins in my hand very slowly with my head sparkling like I would go crazy any wey kan thin....It was always big wahala to find a vein. The doctor told me if the injection was rushed, my brain will get, it had to be injected very slowly *which kind injection be that?*
I was deprived of eating foods like fried fish, fried egg, fried anything....they stopped me from drinking garri.....and eating eba. The one wey kan pain me pass, they sey make I no chop Noodles......I must avoid environments that had smoke......Chai! I suffer oooo. Because I wasn't free to just go anywhere.
My mum made me to understand that I inherited the asthma of a thing from her mother (my grandmother).....My grandmother is still alive though, but living with very close attention. She said someone in every 2nd generation in her family gets the stuff. In other words, asthma jumped her own generation and landed on my own generation....asthma no kan see my brother or sister body or my cousins' to my own body sweet for asthma, shey?
My father being an Evangelist stood against the superstition that I will have to live with it for the rest of my life. I battled with it till I passed out of Secondary School and when I got admission into the Polytechnic, my mother was very scared to let me go. She feared I would die one day in my room at school if I had an attack and there was no one to come to my rescue.
My father contacted God (in his usual way - fervent prayers) for a solution. He came back telling me to fast and pray for 3 days and that I should be very serious about it. He said after this I could go anywhere in the world with no fear of any attack. He volunteered to join me in the 3 days. It wasn't easy though but I successfully went through it.
When I was going to school, my mum stocked my bag with different kinds of cardigan. She sey make I dey wear am come rain come sunshine....maka why? She said I must not leave my chest bare for any reason. I wore none of the cardigans. I allowed my faith to work and I was totally healed.
My friends in Secondary School who knew I was asthmatic still find it difficult to believe that I had been delivered.....just by fasting and praying for 3 days.
By the Grace of God, I was delivered from the evil hands of asthma in 2009 and up till date, I have not had an attack of any kind.....even catarrh sef no dey worry me again.....Now, I sleep naked even in the coldest night and walk in the rain with no shirt covering my chest....I eat any type of food.....bring fried Lizard, I go chop am clean mouth.
Infact, I became a chain-smoker during my days in the Polytechnic and I never had an asthma attack.....and as for how I quit smoking, Read ----->>> HERE (Sorry, I never completed the story. God help ME)
With 3 days serious fasting and prayers, you can be healed of that sickness threatening your life, you can break the chain of deadly sickness and disease in your generation just like I did.
All praise be to God!!! Hallelujah!!!
Check back in the evening for the second crisis. I'll be waiting for you.
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Thanks and God bless.
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Thursday, May 1, 2014
11:46 AM
The C.H.N.G Blog
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Yea. I also got rid of my asthma, ulcer nd liver probe thru fasting nd praying.