This morning, I shared with you the number 1 great crisis that befell me when I was in S.S 2 (incase you missed it, read ---->> HERE)......and I had to suffer this crisis for more than 3 years before I conquered it with 3 days prayers and fasting.
I promised to publish the second crisis this evening.....Here is it:
After ND 1 in the Polytechnic, we were asked to go get ourselves placed in companies for a 3-months SIWES (Student Industrial Working Experience Scheme). I got a placement in a Computer Research Venture and I whole heartedly did my SIWES in this company learning everything I could throughout the 3 months.
My supervisor didn't come visiting throughout my stay in the company. Unfortunately for me, he came after I had left and was preparing to go back to school. The Company's manager denied ever knowing me....he even said someone with my name has never walked in into the company not to talk of working there.....the reason why he did this, I no sabi. The supervisor attached to me in school was a new lecturer and was somehow very I suffered a lot for this.
We resumed school and I went to check my ND 1 results in my faculty classmates wey dey wonder as I take pass all my exams excellently dey murmur around the faculty building saying all sort of things about me because me no dey attend classes....*if I no dey Sango working as a factory worker, I go dey Abeokuta having great fun (I often ask for money from home, I don't even like it.......but I knew what I was doing.....I dey study gidigan)*. Wetin concern me with my classmates? They can say whatever they wanna say.....Na me send dem make dem fail?
My supervisor heard my name from his office and called for me. Other lecturers in my department were with him....when I entered his office, he said:
"So, you are the Ifede who lied about his SIWES? Just because you are brilliant, you think you can fool a whole department?"
For my mind, I was like - "Who be this mumu wey dey talk rubbish for my front?.....Where dem for see this one? Wetin concern this one with my SIWES programme na?". I didn't know he was a new lecturer who happened to be my SIWES supervisor.
I jokingly answered him that I did my SIWES na.....Haba.....why won't I? What will I be doing at home. I said these confidently because I did it. Then, the other lecturers put mouth for the that time it dawned on me that this people were not whyning me.....they were really serious.
My supervisor told me how he came to my company buh couldn't find I was denied totally by the manager. He was so angry that he was ranting with all his might. He promised me I would repeat my SIWES.
Hen? Repeat wetin? 6 units course? I said in my mind - "Na all your children go repeat SIWES"
Other lecturers too joined in the agreement that there was nothing I would do to stop me from repeating that SIWES. Na hin I begin dey beg sey I do am.....and I no sabi why the manager go talk that kind thing. I even called the manager in front of them and challenged him on why he would have said he never knew me when my supervisor came around. I lambasted him right in front of my lecturers. That also made the matter worse......they said I lacked manners and that I was rude with the way I talked to my SIWES Industrial supervisor. That day was HOT! I shed tears an regretted ever going to school that day.
I prepared my SIWES reports and submitted it to my supervisor. I was happy when he accepted it and marked it as good and ready for defense, not knowing he was pretending and waiting for the day students in my department will defend SIWES reports and finish my life, alongside the H.O.D. and other lecturers of the department. They had actually planned to tackle me to death on that day.
When it was my turn to defend my report, I was allowed to finish all my talk talk. Then, my supervisor stood up to talk.....come and see how they were all shooting me from all angle.....some said I was a liar......some said they should throw me out of the department.....some said I should be made to repeat the SIWES.....some said they never saw me in their class and they wonder how I managed to pass their exams excellently......some said I should be made to face the disciplinary committee and be rusticated......the whole department were all against me that day. I wished I could just fall that day. I was greatly embarrassed that day, right in front of my mates, some of which are my enemies.
They sent me out of the building, threw my reports at me and told me to go to hell.
I called my Dad and explained everything to him. He told me to calm down. He reminded me of how I conquered asthma with fasting and prayer and he suggested we do it again.
I kept sending lecturers from other departments to my lecturers to help beg them on my behalf. The school's Registrar was my friend, my lecturers had gone before me to poison his mind and he too joined the league of people who wanted to destroy me in the school. Devil stood his ground to scatter my career and education. I saw hell cuz at a point my lecturers started embarrassing and humiliating me in class and in the campus. I lost my self-confidence as a result of this. Sometimes, I feared to go to school and if I didn't go, I will be probed for missing class.
My course rep did a good job by meeting my lecturers one on one and talked to them on my behalf.....still, they insisted I suffer for what I DIDN'T do. My course rep told me to go see them with some cash. I talked to my dad about going to see them with cash....he was against the idea. But said we should fast and pray about it.
We actually did and it wasn't even easy at all. Attending 8am to 6pm lectures while fasting no be small thing. But, I enjoyed the result.
Two weeks after the 3 days fasting and prayer, my supervisor saw me under a shed in the campus. That afternoon, he walked past me....turned and looked at me....I was really scared cuz I didn't know what he wanted to do again. And then he called me and said:
"Ifede, how far about your SIWES? Have you submitted your report? You must see me in my office first thing tomorrow morning."
I couldn't believe my ears. Was I hearing that for real? I felt like jumping up and hugging my supervisor....but he walked briskly away from me without getting answers to his questions. I was so filled with joy, I called my dad immediately and informed him that our prayers have been answered.
I went to see my supervisor the following morning with my SIWES report and he accepted it and also summoned all other lecturers to his the end, we found ourselves laughing like kids in the office.
I became the department's favourite crazy student and also one of the best graduating students of the department. I had no or little problem till I finally graduated. As a matter of fact, my H.O.D. did everything to make me work in his company at Ibadan, but I refused.
That 3 days fasting and prayer changed everything about my academics. Got me out of a problem that would have caused me an extra year in the Polytechnic.
My people, what is that crisis or problem scaring you and making you fright like an unsecured chicken? Get down on your knees and tell it to'll be surprised by how your problems will be solved.
He is still a miracle working God! Turn to him and let him help you.
Ok! Now, the Charming Humble Nice Guy dob turn werin my mama wan make I kuku become be that before and I go still become that Reverend Jawbone one day......lolz!
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Thanks and God bless.
#CHNG - Charming Humble Nice Guy - The Freaky Individual. internet based reality show!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
7:47 PM
The C.H.N.G Blog
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Hmmm, it was tough on everyone.