Happy Sunday, my tantalizing people. How was today's service in Church? In our church today hen, it was Holy Communion service and believe me, the First Lady was around for the 'sharing of blood'. I tell you, it was an awesome moment in the presence of God.....hehe.
So, my mum wrote this piece for me to publish on my blog for you guyz to read and learn from. You see that everyone in my family cares so much about you. If I don't take care of you people, who will?....lolz. Enjoy!
I greet you all. First and foremost, I must thank you all for always visiting my son's blog. He is always talking about how you guyz have been awesome and great friends to him. May God continue to bless you and the works of your hand abundantly. And I hope you enjoy my write-up.
Moses was a descendant of Simeon and Levi, two things were in the house of Simeon and Levi - Cruelty and Anger, this made them to become murderers.
Read Gen. 49:5-7 and Exodus 2:1-2.
You can interpret these two Bible passages like these:
"And there went a man from the house of Cruelty & Anger and took as a wife a daughter from the house of Cruelty & Anger."
So, Cruelty and Anger met Cruelty and Anger; who did they conceive? Moses. And the problem of Moses started from there.
Moses led a distinguished life. He was the Prince of Egypt, the lawgiver, God's faithful servant, a man more humble than anyone else. He saw God face to face, he was a spokesman between people and God, a Psalmist, a Prophet like no other. A child of a slave who lived in the Palace like a King. Moses stammered when talking to his fellow men but when talking to God, he spoke smoothly. He was a mighty warrior.
He died alone on the mountain. No man assisted in his burial, God Himself buried him. But in spite of all these, Moses ran into serious problems because something was wrong in his foundation. When he was in Egypt, he killed an Egyptian. You may wonder why, because of his anger.
He went to the top of a mountain where God gave him two tablets of stone, on it God wrote the 10 commandments by Himself. When Moses came down from the mountain, he saw his people in a state he didn't like to see them, the Bible says his anger waxed hot and he threw the stones to the floor, grounded it into powder, mixed it with water and forced the whole Israelites to drink it.
His anger was so strong that he didn't make it to the Promise Land.
Satan came to contest for Moses' corpse. He said "This is one of us, he's a murderer."
If you have the spirit of anger, or if you get angry at every little thing that pisses you of, it's better you deliver yourself from it NOW before it gets too late.
If Satan could request for Moses' corpse, Satan will do worse to you and I pray this will not be your portion in Jesus name (AMEN).
Do have a splendid and blessed week ahead. God bless you.
Mrs. Bamidele K. Ifede,
Proprietress, Frontliners Kiddies College.
Oyaaaa!!! STANDING OVATION for this wonderful piece written by my jolly jolly and sexy mother.
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Thanks and God bless.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
1:05 PM
The C.H.N.G Blog
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Quite illlustrative and pictorial...