Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hello guyz! Happy Sunday, my beloved brothers and sisters. I present to you Prince Moshood 'Tunde Adebayo-Atingisi, LORD eBAYISM SCHOOL OF THOUGHT (LeSCOTH). Guyz, this guy is a writer from another planet....he's crazily good. Once in a while, I'll be hosting him here and you guyz are for sure in for some great fun. You remember the first paragraph in my #BringBackOurGirls Movement write-up? I culled it from Prince Tunde's 'WE HAVE NEVER LIVED' article.

A lil about Prince Tunde - "From the building blocks of politics and mortar of activism i came. I'm a gold well refined, eBay is my name. Where there's a pen, there's a way."

This will be his first official article on THE CHNG BLOG. ENJOY and please notice the rhymes in his article:
Gentlemen and ladies! Wake up the adults, the adolescents and babies! I must tell you what i know, and if i say yes, please don't say no, for the "reluctants", excuse me, i dare say, will be buried in the coming revolutionary volcano. You all know that Nigeria is dying. In sports, economy, education, security, education and culture, our strength is being evaporated and drying. Our late heroes and unborn victims, on the other side are crying. We never stop to claim we're trying. "We're almost there!" our government will always be lying. Ah! If that's your stand too, i swear I'll not be buying.

They said our true freedom will come through democracy. Years have passed and yet, see the hell of troubles we're facing.Our fathers are greedy and money has made them so crazy. Even we the children cannot deny that we're ignorant and lazy. When i was called a terrorist by an American friend called Tracy, despite the anger and violent breath that laced my Monitor hazy, i had to accept the truth, Boko-haramism, Niger-Deltalism, Sokalism, Gerigerism, Okijalism and others in one country alone, am i truly not a terrorist in a world of crazy democracy?

Undeniably, i love Arts, but, where are the books that many of us have written and intended to publish? They've been eaten by cockroaches and rats. There are many who are skilled at painting, nobody appreciates them, their paintings are fading, their wills are fainting. Sculptors that moulded the statues on our campuses, they're not celebrated like Bernini or Michelangelo, their names pass prison times in satchels and arm purses. Music... The medium through which Satan touches our souls is the only Art we appreciate, and unfortunately unaware of how it makes our morales depreciate. J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, James Hardley Chase, Agatha Christie and others were foreign warriors in writing. Dan Brown, John Grisham and others are contemporary foreign valids in writing. If Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Buchi Emecheta, D. O. Fagunwa and others whose works were internationally renowned are the old writers we have, aside Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, give me another name of a current internationally renowned Nigerian writer. What do they even teach us in schools? What do our parents want of us? To be brave and liberate our oppressed world or to pass exams, get presentable certificates and find jobs to raise families in cowardly peace. Wrong? If you still talk of endurance, believe me, it's a product of your ignorance. If i talk of revolution and perseverance and you're still overwhelmed by reluctance, i will consider you a nuisance, guilty of extreme ignorance. Have i what than to recommend repentance? The fourteenth and sixteenth centuries of the Western world enjoyed renaissance, men of Arts, rise up, you have my insurance.

Truly, our country is ill. Our leaders know nothing else about governance than to steal. The youths have received bad orientation and thus ready to kill. Before a writer can be allowed publishing have to strike a deal. Engage sexually with your class-mate, she will send you a bill. The records of our day-day activities make even a dog thrill. You have to tell a lot of lies before you can have a meal. Nothing has ever appeared to be what they seem.Your close friends will steal your phone and never return your SIM, i can see our world is not real but just a film. I saw an unsung hip-hop artist with a radio, nodding and dancing to the rhythm of an audio, everyday of his life visiting the studio, yet for once he never shot a video. Is this country not an asshole?

Arriving at your reading is a call to rise to the aid of perishing talents. If this country is not ready to showcase us or give us the materials to replenish the wits, we must join hands and raise ourselves independently.

"We shall all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall hang separately and fail." said Benjamin Franklin.

"We cannot afford to stand still or ship backwards. We must go forward now together." added Gerald R. Ford.

Whether your talent is scientific or social, commercial or athletic, pursue it. Pursue your passion! That is the only way by which you can escape being a photocopy of someone else's originality. Talents make men who help talents make them.

"We don't need more strength or more ability. What we need to use is what we have." Basil Walsh

"Look within. Within is the foundation of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou will ever dig." Marcus Aurelius"

To finish first, you must first finish." said a champion race car driver, Rick Mears.

The thought i thought was not the thought i think i should have thought when i thought that talents make men, whereas, talents do not just make men, but men also help talents in the process of making them. A talent on a dead soul is such a wasted talent. Perhaps, the thought i thought was not the thought i thought i thought when i thought the thought i thought. The reasons i reason may not look reasonable to you, but i bet a reasonable reasoner who is capable of sound reasoning will see reasons to the reasons i reason, and also, see reasons to reason exactly the way i reason. It is tragic to have wasted talents on cowards. Am i going crazy right now? Am I even making any sense here? My friends and i are here, twisting the ignition of TALENTS REVOLUTION. Are you in?

Written by: Moshood 'Tunde Adebayo-Atingisi,

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Thanks and God bless.

#CHNG - Charming Humble Nice Guy - The Freaky Individual. internet based reality show!

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1 comment:

C'mooon, don't just leave. U gotta say something ;)

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