Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, I've had many people ask me this popular question:
"Does money matter in a relationship?"

And I've always had the courage to always answer 'NO'. Some says my answer is NO cuz am an Ijebu man and the belief of everyone is; Ijebu people are stingy. Warefa!

Come to think of it, there are some guys who has got this money and have not been able to find a lady they'll call theirs. And the guy who is not really boxed up is doing fine with a lovely babe.

I personally think money matters in a relationship where the guy is with the wrong babe. Yeah, I know there are some times the guy has got to do some spendings but some ladies need to also understand that if the guy aint boxed up to do such, he shouldn't be seen as 'A poor boyfriend'...like most of you would call us.

The last time I checked the Bible, when God created woman, Eve was created to help Adam in all his endeavors (not the other way round like all ladies think)....this is just the biblical role of a woman. And as funny as it sounds, that role still stands till date.

"Behind every successful man, there is a woman"

So many ladies have failed to understand this statement. All they are after is the pocket of the guy they are dating. How they will squeeze all he's got out of his life.

I understand that ladies need to be cared for and also need to be pampered. Once in a while, they want to be taken to the cinema or restaurant for a special treat. This is all good for a relationship to be ALIVE. But never request for what will make your guy go extra mile to borrow. 

Money should never be the order of your relationship. What matters must is love and respect for each other. Money wont buy you happiness even if you get everything you request from your boyfriend.

A girlfriend of mine has never been happy for once in her relationship with a very rich guy because he treats her like a dog and beats her almost everytime....he buys her expensive gifts to apologize for his wrongs buh that does not stop him from beating her again whenever there is a little fight.

So, what are we now saying? You want the LOVE or the MONEY?

"Remember, LOVE makes the world go round, not MONEY."

So many succeeding relationships have crashed cuz of money matters. My beautiful Nigerian ladies, as I've once said; 'You alone can make your relationship work out well'. Support that guy and don't ask for too much, what he wouldn't be able to afford.

And guys, let your lady be proud to have you, a little gift whenever you visit her means a lot. Surprise her by giving her what she loves most once in a while.


I'd really like to know your personal point of view on this issue:
"Does money really matters in a relationship?"

Drop your opinions as comment. Thanks.


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C'mooon, don't just leave. U gotta say something ;)

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