Posted on Palhood, November 14th 2013.
This post is culled from Dennis P. Kimbro’s “WHAT MAKES THE GREAT GREAT” book. I love this book so much.
And see oooooo, I stole this book from my mentor’s book shelf ni oooo. He will not give me if I had asked, e better make I kuku steal am. I dey always throwey face anytime he talks about the “lost but stolen by me” book. E no concern me. Me ayaf steal it and ayaf steal niyen.
You see, during the course of your life, you must answer the four questions of greatness; the answers are the keystone to superior achievement. Finding these answers calls for no special effort. Before you answer these questions, remember that your life’s purpose will not be revealed through any one of these answers alone, but your answers are keys to unlocking the secret of your true purpose.
1. WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO DO? – What occupation fills you with joy? What chosen field could you throw your heart and soul into? A large percentage of today’s population do not enjoy their work. This is a tragic fact, considering that work consumes so much of our lives. Successful men and women develop a passion for their work; they love their chosen vocation so much that they choose their endeavour even if it doesn’t lead to great financial success. If you had no limitations in terms of time or money, what would you enjoy doing so much that you would choose this area of interest for the indefinite future? The answer to this question is an indication of your labor of love.
2. WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR FREE? – What would you do if no one paid you a dime? Fulfilled men and women are often misunderstood. As we watch them go about their daily routines, we find attitudes and values that contradict much of what we are taught. We are cautioned not to work too hard or too much. Typically, society views work as something done from Monday through Friday – a compartmentalized bit of life void of fun or happiness. The phrases “Thank God it’s Friday” and “Stormy Monday” have emerged from the notion that the workweek is filled with toil and drudgery. No matter how impersonal, dull, or tedious the job might seem to others, for successful men and women, their work is their play. And if you’re doing what you love to do, your work becomes your play. And if your work becomes your play, you will never work a day in your life.
3. WHAT COMES EASY TO YOU BUT DIFFICULT TO OTHERS? – What is your area of unfair competitive advantage? Almost anyone who devotes himself to a given vocation, and who pours his love and energy into that activity, develops a certain talent and genius in that field. Any work can serve this purpose. Whatever it is you choose to do – if done with the right attitude and proper affection – becomes a graceful, joyful activity that leads to a level of proficiency. Examine your current vocation and determine whether it enlists your talents and skills. Each of us has an area of unfair competitive advantage. Seek to identify yours and set out to leave a lasting legacy by investing in your special gift.
4. HOW DO OTHERS VIEW YOUR TALENTS AND GIFTS? – As discussed, work can provide us with so much enjoyment that it begins to be experienced as play. However, prior to experiencing work in this most exuberant, almost effortless state, we must first know ourselves well enough to consciously choose the correct path or vocation. This demands not only courage but a type of intuition that separates us from society’s expectations and definition of success. Some people are naturally intuitive. Others must seek the support of friends and relatives by asking, “What field am I best suited for?” or “What career or occupation do you think I would be most effective at?”. Check your attitudes and feelings about your work with those whom you respect. Sometimes others can see from a distance what you and I cannot see up close. Significant others can often support self-examination and determine whether a job or position is the right one for us.
These questions represent the final door through which all must pass to attain greatness. Each answer will provide a key that will unlock this door, and the keys will be in your hands when you have prepared yourself to accept them. From this moment on, and for what remains of your life, make a commitment to answer these questions and uncover your life’s purpose. Remember, you have but one life to live.
Thanks and God bless.
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C'mooon, don't just leave. U gotta say something ;)