Friday, August 15, 2014

Just as you're about to ask for it, here it is. I understand you guyz are loving Tee Silva's story, I'm so glad you do. As for my goons wey miss previous episodes, get them ----->>> HERE.

Welcome to the 4th Episode:

Oh my... What is my father doing here?
"Daddy!" I exclaimed
My Dad - "Angela!"
"What are you doing here?" We asked each other at the same time.
Me - "I came here for a friend's party".
Just then I saw a lady lying on the bed and covering herself with the blanket.
Me - "What are you doing here Dad? Aren't you suppose to be on a trip with Mom?"
I was furious with my dad, and the realization that he was there with a woman was not consoling at all. It hits me that dad had been cheating on my mum.

"And you, what are you doing here dressed like this?" He shot back at me
"Daddy I told you I came for a party, a pool party" I said with my voice raised this time.
My Dad - "If you were here for a pool party as you claimed, what are you doing opening an hotel room without knocking?"
Dad caught me there. I was dumbfounded, I couldn't speak, later I found my voice.
Me - "But...but Dad, you are cheating on mum and that's not fair"
My Dad - "Well, I didn't mean for you to find out, but now that you've found out keep my secret and I'll keep yours" my dad said it without flickering.

I felt ashamed. He was blackmailing me.  I took a look at the girl on the bed and went out. My dad closed the door behind me. As I turned to go I saw Jane standing just in front of me.
Me - "What are you doing here?" 
"I think I should ask you that, but no need. I saw you racing upstairs like you had someone to catch up with so I followed you" she said with a non-chalant expression.
Me - "You mean you heard everything that went on in there?"
Jane - "Of course I did, I'm not deaf and you people were shouting"
"Okay" I said and turned to go but Jane isn't through with me yet, she pulled me back.
Jane - "Who were you running after before you entered the wrong room? Or perhaps, were you meeting up with him?" She gestured down the hall and I saw Mike coming from the walkway, he must have waited for me and came out when he didn't see me.

"What is happening here?" Mike asked.
"Well ask her" Jane answered and stormed out angrily.
Mike - "What happened? I was waiting for you. Did she perhaps followed you?" He reached for my hand, I snatched my hand back.
Me - "Nothing happened" I shot him a look and started climbing the stairs down, I sensed Mike following me but I didn't mind.

Now I really have to look for Sanzy. I searched everywhere, finally I found her.
"Sanzy can you please take me home?" I asked
Sanzy - "Angela what happened to you? You look like you've been beaten"
Me - "Nothing. Can you take me home?
Sanzy - "No dear, it's just 3am, we can't go out until 4am so just wait a little. Okay?"
"Okay", I said and sat down.

I was tapping my feet and wasn't comfortable at all. I kept checking my wrist watch. Finally, Sanzy walked up to me and told me it was time to go. I stood up and followed her to the car. I was quiet all through the drive home and Sanzy didn't bother me for details and explanations, she just drove on in silence. We got home, I got down from the car and raced to the door to our apartment. I fumbled with the keys and Sanzy collected the keys from me and opened the door. As soon as I got inside I broke into tears, Sanzy just watched me for a while then later she came beside me and pulled me in a warm embrace. I continued weeping on her shoulders and she patted my back.
Me - "Oh Sanzy..."
Sanzy - "Shhhh, don't say anything if you don't feel up to it. I don't know what happened or why you are like this but I think you shouldn't say anything yet. Go to your room for the mean time and get some rest okay?" She sounded so motherly.
Me - "Okay. Thanks for your understanding" I turned to go, then I paused "and thanks also for lending me your shoulders"
Sanzy - "You are always welcome dear. Come on go into your room".
I went to my room. I cried senselessly until I could weep no more and sleep took over me...

I woke up up with a nagging headache, then I strolled out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. On getting to the living room, I met Jane having sex with 'God knows who', but that person is definitely not Mike. They seemed not to notice my presence in the room so I tiptoed to the kitchen, I got the water and went to knock on Sanzy's door.
"Come on in" Sanzy said from inside. "Oh Angela, are you feeling better now?" She asked with a worried look.
Me - "Yea, I am. But who is that in the living room with Jane?"
Sanzy - "My dear, I don't know who that is, we have not been introduced. I think Jane may have met him yesterday at Mike's party"
Me - "You mean to say that Jane met another man in Mike's party and brought him home to have sex with her? Why is she having sex with another man?"
Sanzy - "Well, I wouldn't know, but you know Jane and that's why she's the queen bitch", we both laughed at that comment.

"I can see you feel better now after such a bad mood from yesterday's party" sanzy said.
Me - "Well, yes I feel better. And talking about my mood yesterday, don't you wanna know why I had that mood?"
Sanzy - "I'm dying to know but don't tell me if you are not up to it".
Me - "Uh-uhm. Sanzy, I don't know how you will see this but I have to tell you. I saw my dad in that hotel yesternight and he was with a woman, another woman".
"Oh", Sanzy exclaimed with a shock-filled expression. "I'm so sorry dear, what a blow it would have been for you to find out".
Me - "Yea it was a blow. And could you believe my dad blackmailed me? He blackmailed me with the party. What I was doing attending a night party dressed like that and why I was opening the door to an hotel room without knocking. He told me to keep his secret so he could keep mine" I started sobbing.

Sanzy - "Oh dear, don't cry. Come here" she pulled me to herself for a hug. "I feel so sad and angry, why would dad cheat on mum? Who knows how long this has been happening. And the fact that my dad could blackmail me because he wants to keep his secret Is so annoying"
Sanzy - "It's okay, don't cry. But what were you doing in that hotel room Angela?".
I pulled out from her embrace and stood up, I started pacing the room and tried to avoid her eyes as I explained:
"Yesterday, Mike asked me for a dance and I agreed. When I was dancing with him, I could feel an attraction. Something I've never felt before in my 24years on earth. I melted under his touch and I got lost every time I looked into his eyes. He felt it too, he told me he couldn't hold it in anymore, that he needed me, and since I felt the same way I agreed to meet him in his hotel room number 36....Yes 36, that was the number 36. Oh my...I quickly went up to meet him and when I saw room number 26, I thought he said 36. Since he was expecting me I didn't bother to knock, I opened the door and I saw my father...with another woman". I finished my narration.

Sanzy - "That's complicated. I knew you were falling for that guy, I saw it in your eyes but I didn't know it would come to this"
Me - "What do I do now? I think Jane knows too because she followed me upstairs when she saw me climbing up"
Sanzy - "Well for now, let's just say opening the wrong door saved you from embarrassment with jane"
Me - "Yea, but it also revealed a secret which my dad had kept for who knows how long, probably years. Because for him to come that far to book an hotel, he is hiding her well".
Sanzy - "Talking about your dad, I think you should call your mum, ask her if she's back from her trip" Sanzy advised.... be continued!!!

Sweet story, hun? You can't wait to read the next episode abi? Good!!! Oya, share your thoughts by using the comment box.

Written by - Temitope Dasilva [Tee Silva]
BBM Pin - 278FE4B7
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Thanks and God bless.

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  1. Interesting story so far!
    God bless your understanding more

  2. Nyc story. Cnt wait to read episode 5.

  3. Nyc Story Kudos


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