Monday, September 22, 2014

Good morning world! With great joy in my heart, I hereby introduce to you a brand new At last, Blogging got Redefined. So, for most of you wey no sabi me; Allow me to introduce myself as The Charming Humble Nice Guy; The Online Thug; The Freaky Individual; The Only Ijebu Boy With Igbo Sense; The Omo Ita Internet.

A Respected Entertainment & Lifestyle Blogger/Writer. Founder,  #60MinutesWithAStar show, #CHNG_Entertainment and #TheCHNGBlog. A Foolish Comedian (Known as Mc Jawbone on Stage). A Social Media Expert and An Online Publicist [Online PR to Jabulani Entertainment and UK based label; Rozey Records]. A respected member of Nigerian Music Bloggers Group. And most importantly; a child of God!

Welcome to my Exclusive World:
My Life Experiences | My Stories | My Thoughts | My Opinions | My Views | My Favorite Music and Videos.

NOTE: The time you'll be spending here will not for once be a waste. I assure you that. For more than 3 years as an online personality....I spend everyday of my life writing, bringing up interesting topics and putting up online shows....I share my life experiences, and my journey with you all. I am intentionally making my life, my thoughts, my stories publicā€¦because I truly believe in my heart that they may be of use to some of you, may entertain you, may inform or enlighten you. This has not been easy for me especially as bad belle people plenty...This is what I love to do....It gives me joy and my spirit is always lifted up seeing myself as your online personal person. *open teeth*

I believe browsing the net should be fun....we work and study everyday.....even if God don curse Adam and Eve sey dem go work till dem die, which still dey affect us till now....we should in our own personal selves find time to have fun....YES! Thatz why you need someone like ME, the Online Thug to trill you with those gists, photos, thoughts, opinions and views, latest songs and videos. If you need a place where you can relax and get real gist, the right place is HERE!

Anytime you feel very bored, tired, exhausted....You jes get yourself a glass cup of juice, or wine, or water or what have you....find a place to relax your gentle body....and with your device, come HERE....You'll surely find yourself falling off your seat. I'm here to make your online experience a CRAZY but INTERESTING one.

Welcome to my Exclusive World once again.

Sit back, Relax, Feel Free and Enjoy The Show. The fun had just began.

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E-mail -,
Facebook: The CHNG Blog
Twitter: @TheCHNGBlog
Tumblr:  Mc Jawbone
Instagram: @Mc_Jawbone
Google+: Charming Humble Nice Guy

INVITE your friends, loved ones and families here. You should not be the only one enjoying the fun here. And always endeavor to make use of the SHARE button below every post. Your comment on every post too will be very much appreciated.

Thanks and God bless.
#TheCHNG #TheOnlineThug #TheFreakyIndividual

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