Friday, November 28, 2014

I'm in my Charming Humble Nice Guy mode, so ladies this is for y'all. After reading, show/send to your boyfriend....or better still, let him read with you.
Hmmmmm....this is ONE GREAT THING of all the things every boyfriend must give his girlfriend. Even though you really don't love her, just be available for her whenever she needs you. Ladies hate to be ignored or dejected....they sooo hate it and it makes them feel somehow. Give her that attention; call her at least once a day, send her a text when she least expects it, chat with her and make her feel special by telling her she's the only one you're chatting with.....even though itz a lie, no be wetin dem want be that?

If you can afford it, buy her gifts whenever you are going to see her. When you go out with your friends, call and ask her what she would like you to get for her. Ladies appreciate gifts, they cherish it so much. Win her heart by sending her airtime when she doesn't request for it....but, don't be angry if she doesn't use 10% of the airtime on you. Thatz a Nigerian babe for you but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

When I say hot romance, I mean deep romance that'll get both of you loving each other more. Sex is good but romance is better. Romance enables you know more about your partner. Itz a heart-to-heart activity. Look deep into her eyes and tell her how much you really love her, then kiss her so passionately, fondle her breast gently, exploit her body and make her call your name several times as you rock her G-Point, making her confess how much she truly loves you. She'd never forget the experience and if she's the naughty type, she'll always talk about it....wanting you guyz to do more of it.

Never make her doubt your love for her. In every possible way, let her be rest assured of your love. There is no crime saying 'I LOVE YOU' million times a day. Make her blood rush with those sweet words. Take her to the moon by calling her wonderful names. Make her feel she's hooked to the WORLD BEST BOO. Tell her she's the ONLY ONE you've got and if there are some side chics, itz cool letting her know....some gurls wouldn't mind though, for as long as it won't disturb them. Respect her opinions and make her feel loved to the extent she would be shy. Yeah, my Charming Humble Nice Girl becomes shy whenever I burst her head with these things.

Yes! Put up a fight with her and never let it get so serious that it'll become difficult to handle and settle. Though this should not happen very often, maybe once in a while. There's a way quarrels create intimacy in one's relationship. And then, be quick to say you're sorry when all seems to be getting hot. She should end up crying on your shoulders telling you how hurt she is, telling you she really loves you, and then followed by my number three point. *wink*

Do have a fun-filled relationship. God bless your relationships. If you like say your own wahala be that.... *Back to my 'Online Thug' teeth*. Ok! I love you all. *smile*


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