Saturday, December 20, 2014

A lot of youths, students and graduates still blame the government for their unemployed status saying there are no jobs. The truth is that there are actually jobs, you may also decide to be the job for yourself. 'Many people also believe that the state of the country has contributed immensely to their unemployment status', though I'm not saying that this belief is wrong and I'm also not saying its right.

The real truth is 'we know Nigeria has many problems and issues, but that's exactly what you need to get out of your unemployed state'. Making money is all about solving problems, that's why you have more opportunities staring at you here in Nigeria than any other developed country.

Learn a skill today, invest in yourself, start internship if you need to and start solving people's problem. Here is a business idea I bring to you that can earn you a lot with little capital.
Do you know you can start a mini online importation business with as low as 10,000 and make up to 200,000 to 500,000 monthly?

Yes, you can start importing goods like laptops, phones, bags, fashion materials etc from countries like China, Japan, US etc and make a lot from it.

The Online Importation eBook is a  step-by-step guide that will take you through all the procedures in starting an online importation business. This book will also teach you the kind of goods you can import that will sell fast and also guide you on knowing your potential customers. You don't need to be an internet guru, this eBook will guide you on all procedures.

With these I'm sure you'll be thinking this eBook will cost a lot, but because I'm selling to students, youth and graduate you might be unemployed or those who are employed but want to have more stream of income, I've decided to sell it for 2,000naira only.

When you order, you'll also get a FREE ebook on how Stephen Akintayo (CEO, Gilead Balm Group) made 3.5million naira in two weeks.

All payments should be made to:
Account number: 0110045530
Account name: Ogunnowo Babatunde....GTB.

Thereafter you send 'your depositor's name, teller number, email address, amount paid' to or

Contact 08027922363 for more info. Your package will be delivered to your mail.

Tunny Ogunnowo,
Blogger | Social Media Marketer/Manager | Internet Expert | Magazine Editor | Compere&MC | Economist | Educationist
Twitter: @tunnyogunnowo
Phone/whatsapp: 08027922363
BBM: 2361F6EB
Address: 4, Swamp Street Adeniji Adele, Lagos Island, Lagos State


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Thanks and God bless.

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