Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hey! I am entitled to my opinion, whether GOOD or BAD. So, if my title is making you feel somehow, please don't even dare continue reading this piece cuz it'll piss you off the more. Thank you for your usual co-operation.

My father fights me each time I declare this statement to him:
"Ko le da fun ilu yi mo, o ti baje fun ilu yi patapata"....meaning; "It can never be well with this country, this country is totally finished (and ruined)".

By the Special Grace of God, I would be 24 by next year and I can say it anywhere with all boldness that since I was born, I have never enjoyed anything in this country which I didn't pay for. That is why I don't get moved whenever the government says they did this and that or they will do this or that. God should bless them abundantly if they didn't do all they said they did for the benefits of their pockets.

I have every reason to say it may never be with this country, we all know this is a true fact, though it sounds faithless but deep in our hearts we know Nigeria can never be a better country, even the wealthy ones know this. Looking at our environment, the little things that happens around us which we think are minor speaks well of my topic.

I wonder how Nigeria will become better:
*. When PCHN officials will come steal the cables (worth of N300 000) of the transformer in a community and then ask the residents (who are sooo innocent) to contribute and submit to them for the installation of what they stole which was their own property thereby putting the residents in total darkness for months;
*. When you see elder states (criminals) men with pot bellies in campaign rallies dancing to Dorobucci just to charm voters;
*. When National and State Legislators are jumping fences like Navy SEALs, fighting each other like street urchins and minority groups executing impeachments;
*. When the evening news is easily becoming the most entertaining program on TV;
*. When you hear ridiculous news about insurgency and the military activities against it;
*. When oil prices rise and fall every month;
*. When you hear about budgetary allocations that are so absurd you can't help but laugh....FG ALLOCATES N9.2 billion FOR CLEAN COOKING STOVES;
*. When a graduate with First Class Honours is an attendant in a filling station;
*. When a Policeman harasses and kills an innocent citizen just because of N20;
*. When our President says Corruption is not the same as Stealing;
*. When a Commander orders a troop of Soldiers to go face terrorists without enough and adequate weapons resulting to the deaths of some of the soldiers;
*. When an innocent student can no longer walk freely on the streets without been harassed by the Policemen wrongly accusing him to be a Yahoo Boy;
*. When a Second Class Lower graduate from a Ghanaian University gets employed as a top manager and a First Class graduate from a Nigerian University is denied employment;
*. When up till date, nothing has been done to the suspects of ALUU 4 (who we all saw as the killers in the video);
*. When Nigerian students are being murdered abroad and our Government just sit and do nothing about it;
*. When our First Lady cannot even compose a statement without committing blunders;
*. When a President who couldn't achieve a thing throughout his 6 years in office, setting up committees with no reasonable results, still aspiring to be the next President again; and then our people still want to make him President;
*. When everybody's intention when they get to Power is to embezzle as much as they can;
*. When the children of our Senators and Governors don't school here in Nigeria, so they have no idea of what our education is like;
*. When the salary and allowances of a Senator is more than that of the US President, but we are still a developing country while US is more than developed;
*. When CORRUPTION is a main factor in our daily lives.
*. When a Governor can walk freely around after being charged guilty of rigging election which led to him been thrown out of office;

I can continue to give you a long list of many situations and scenarios that guarantees the destruction of this country. God blessed Ghana by giving them Jerry Rawlings, I have once said it and am still going to say it again: NIGERIA NEEDS A JERRY RAWLINGS FOR CORRUPTION & MISFORTUNES TO END.

Our rulers (not leaders) have finished and ruined this country beyond repair. And then you think I won't gladly ditch Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye at 300L to go start all over again at University of Ghana, when I know I'd be preferred above my Nigerian counterparts in the Labour Market.

I won't wanna say much, my points above are enough to make you realize that; IT MAY NEVER BE WELL WITH NIGERIA.


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