The Aggravated Boyfriend has been a trending name on my blog for some days now. Hmmmmm, nice one. If that name is strange to you, then you are a newcomer. Read his ongoing episodes on my blog:
ENJOY this awesome write-up which is compulsory for all ladies to read,o from The Aggravated Boyfriend as we await the continuation of CIRCLE OF DISHONOUR!
Do Girls really have to do this? It's so disgusting. Close to 90% of the entire photo album of every girl's pictures on facebook shows her pouting her lips to look pretty. However, this doesn't make you look prettier, it only makes you look childish. Selfies are definitely acceptable, crazy and funny pictures are allowed as well, but destroying innocent simple pictures with frustrating consistency by pouting your lips (that are not sexy by the way) is totally unacceptable!.
You know, having a mosque side by side with a church is really not an offense, but Imagine it is written somewhere in the Holy Books, saying it is mandatory that Mosques must be built on Cathedrals. I'm pretty sure you know what the results would be like, so I'll just leave you to decipher that yourself. I strongly believe that pouting the lips frequently is in all ramifications, cataclysmic (destructive) to the arts of photography. A fact ladies seems to not accept.
A friend wanted to surprise his new girlfriend by designing and making a beautiful framed portrait image of her, so he summoned for my assistance in performing a thorough search for his dear girlfriend's picture on every social network he could think of, but alas! All of her personal pictures we could find had her pouting her lips! How on Earth is a good graphics designer or an artist going to make a beautiful piece that she'll be proud of hanging on her living room wall with those kinds of pictures?
Unless of course it's true ladies dress and look good to impress or compete with their fellow girls and not for their male counterparts, but then, that's a topic for another day and I'll definitely love to share with you soon.
So please ladies, kindly endeavor to stop pouting your lips every time you wanna take a selfie.
Excessive make up make you ladies look like masquerades, while you trying to look like Tiwa Savage. Trust me, guys don't like girls with excessive make-ups. I have heard guys say it over a thousand and one times. Lamenting how much they hate excessive make up on ladies. Learn to look a bit natural and if you must apply make ups, make it very lite. At least, it's not like you're going to have a photo shoot every time you step out of your house. Even models take a break once a while and don't put on heavy make ups unless necessary.
A friend once insisted on his wedding day, his bride's make up must be as lite as possible. My curiosity got over me on this one as I was forced to ask "why"? Then he explained to me in his own words saying,
"I'll love my wife's beauty to be enhanced to the fullest on our wedding day because I understand how ladies look forward, cherish and appreciate that day more than guys, but then I believe it's going to be selfish on me if for the rest of my life, I wake up everyday seeing a different face beside me from the giant wedding picture on the wall".
Believe me when I say "I was as startled as you are". I tried weighing his reason but all I could muster was "fair enough".
I can only conclude on this here that, when the going gets tough, when real beauty and class is required, nature will always win ahead of nurture. Your natural self is always a beauty to watch.
I decided a long time ago that I was done browsing through a lady's photo gallery on her mobile devices. It's so annoying and repugnant to pick up your phone, check your camera album, see over one thousand images *smiles*, only to discover the first 20 pictures looks the same *sad face*. So of about 1,500 camera pictures, there are approximately 1000 that are identical.
This only proves a theory of mine about ladies and photos which says 'Behind every girl's selfie is approximately 47 nearly identical photos that just didn't make the cut'.
Many times I ask myself "why can't some of these identical pictures be deleted and leave only the one(s) you consider cool"?. I can't imagine the 16gb memory space will be occupied by identical camera pictures of about 6gb!.
Kilode ā, that's almost half of the whole memory space on pictures alone! OK, I accept it's your phone, so what you choose to do with the memory space is no one's business but do you remember just about a decade ago before phones and electrical gadgets took over the world, you entertain guests in your home by showing them your photo album (hard copy). It's usually fun flipping through the pages and looking at those pictures.
Unfortunately, that kind of fun can't be seen anymore on our ladies modern day devices because they've littered their photo gallery with numerous identical pictures.
I believe guys should be the ones that should be hell bent on beauty and physical appearance. Don't fall for a guy chiefly because he looks good physically. You need to access his acumen, sense of judgment, level-headedness, dreams etc. What makes a good guy is by far more than just good looks, looks 6 packs and Height.
Written by: The Aggravated Boyfriend
BBM Pin: 7E28B0BC
Ff on Instagram: @TheAggravatedBoyfriend
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