Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Last year on December 30th, I published a write-up titled; MUST READ - MY TOP 10 UPCOMING ARTISTES IN NIGERIA  (Click on the title to read). Ola Dips, Kiss Daniel, Cextus, Chinko Ekun, Demmie Vee, CDQ, QDOT, Dizzy Mbata, Fabulous Pizzy, Zayo plus a bonus artiste (who later blew my mind) Small Doctor made the list in no particular order.

Well, most of them couldn't make the list of MY TOP 10 FAST RISING ARTISTES MAKING WAVES IN NIGERIA. 'Upcoming' different from 'Fast Rising', shey una sabi sha?

Every artiste you find on this list obviously worked very hard to earn a space here:

1. KISS DANIEL [ @iamkissdaniel ]
'WOJU' and 'SHOYE' was in town as at the time I included Kiss Daniel in the list of my TOP 10 UPCOMING ARTISTES last year. Both tracks rocked everywhere then and most niggas expected Kiss to fuck up in his next single. But he wowed us again with 'LAYE'. Since then, I've gat so much respect for this man. E no easy to keep that kind trend. Some artistes wey trend their first single the way WOJU take trend that time couldn't keep up with it....A very good example is the "Collabo" guy, I won't mention his name.

Check Daniel's instagram page to see how much of a wave he is making in Nigeria.

2. LIL KESH [ @lilkeshofficial ]
Well, much is not expected from me about this guy. Abi wetin una wan read again about am? He is everywhere! There have been some gigs about Kesh sey em don change pattern, that he's no longer a rapper. Well, if 80% of y'all love his new pattern and he's making cool money with it....Kesh, RIDE ON with your new pattern!!! *Owo & Maximum Satisfaction ni koko*

MAYSOL (My Partner) and I hosted Lil Kesh in my school at MIAMI LOUNGE, the TURN UP was CRAZY!!! If I no include am for this list, devil suppose slap me. God should smile on me as I don put am now...loool

3. OLA DIPS [ @dips_ola ] 
You all should stop calling my man upcoming...I am really proud to say it to you (straight to your face) that OLA DIPS is A FAST RISING ARTISTE MAKING WAVES IN NIGERIA. His recent singles; Ello Bae, Balogun, Love In Pieces ft. CDQ and Let DaGrin Down which is the most recent, are testimonies to back up my declaration. He is no longer an artiste to watch out for....una don dey see am already and your comments/reviews so far has been splendid. I call him a TALK-ACTIVE and a STORY TELLER....hehe

You want to know more about this VERY TALENTED RAPPER? Read 17 CRAZY BUT TRUE FACTS I KNOW ABOUT OLA DIPS . And here's an information I am leaking without permission; OLA DIPS don dey under OB9JA MANAGEMENT (Former CDQ's Manager). Na from my blog una read am first #Wink

4. TOBY GREY [ @iamTobyGrey ]
And for the very first time, a female artiste got a space on my list...eeewww. Toby is not my Celeb Crush though (No female Celeb can ever take Yemi Alade's place in my heart), but I'd really love to spend some quality time with this bae. That WOJU REPLY na CONFIRM. She composed it well and delivered it greatly. As a matter of fact, Toby is really CREATIVE and WISE, who would have thought of a REPLY to Kiss Daniel's WOJU and then title it GBOJU? Fuck!!!

I respect Toby Grey for that courageous step and if there's anyone who knows her personally and you're reading this, please tell her The Charming Humble Nice Guy aka The Online Thug has gat mad love for her.

5. CDQ [ @CDQolowo ] 
CDQ has climbed from being an upcoming to a FAST RISING ARTISTE MAKING WAVES IN NIGERIA. 'Salaro' is still rocking the airwaves and banging clubs across Africa; a success story after 'Indomie'. He performs at almost all the top shows in Nigeria and the crowd goes wild whenever he climbs on stage.

But I have a feeling CDQ gon fuck up very soon. He should be very careful with his next single cuz niggas are expecting so much from him. In the meantime, he's still winning my heart and many others'.

6. ADEKUNLE GOLD [ @adekunleGOLD ]
Just one hit single and nigga is virtually rocking everywhere. Adekunle should just be thankful to every 'Sade' he meets....loool. Most of y'all didn't know Adekunle Gold recorded 'Sade' before YBNL signed him. It was a cover of a theme song to one popular foreign movie before Pheelz 'Mr Producer' re-produced it to a nicer tune. As a matter of fact, Sade's video is the ONLY music video that commands attention without shaking yansh and showing breasts.

But itz already taking longer than normal, Adekunle should have dropped a new single since na....he's been shouting on twitter in anticipation of his next single coming very soon. I'm very sure itz gon be a BOMBER!!! YBNL no dey fall my hand.

[ @KoredeBello @ReekadoBanks @aphroDIJA
Am sorry, I have to give a joint explanation for these 3 GREAT SINGERS. Only God knows where and how DON JAZZY got these acts. If I be gay, na Korede I go dey target to fuck....and I go like to dey go clubbing with Reekado....and I'll have Di'ja as my bestie (I hope to see my last 2 wishes come true anywayz). Come to think of it, these artistes wouldn't have made waves if they were not in MAVIN....shey you know?

One crazy thing about these guyz; Invite one of them to your show and be ready to host 3 of them cuz you'll be told by the manager to make preparations for 3 + the manager himself, making 4 hotel rooms. Dem be Liverpool, they don't walk alone (awon onigbese....loool). And na only one you call to come perform oooo.
Only FAST RISING ARTISTES MAKING WAVES can make an event organizer do such wahala!

10. SMALL DOCTOR [ @smalldoctor27 ]
I hereby withdraw my statement about this guy in MY TOP 10 UPCOMING ARTISTES IN NIGERIA. Na Small Doctor suppose dey number 1 of this list sef....abi, shey make we re-arrange am? Loool. The fact is Small Doctor is no longer small oooo....he is now a Resident Doctor ooo, in fact a Consultant sef. Every artiste wants to collabo with Small Doctor and once he's on your track, trust don blow!

His intro in 'Instagram Police' by Viktoh ft. Olamide is out of this world....that intro too dope. Small Doctor here....Small Doctor there!!! If you don't feel like dancing in the club, Small Doctor's 'Gbagaun' or 'Uzobi' will make you change your mind. But one thing I don't understand about him is the climbing of speakers while performing on stage....WTF???!!! Is that the juju he's using for us ni abi what?


You don't know Chinko Ekun? Then you need to be stonned to death. Nigga was on Cool 96.9fm Lagos for freestyle fridays and guess what? He broke the record of the Party Club Mix Cypher with Dotun and DJ Xclusive with an extra 10min (1hr25mins), Vector The Viper did an hour last year.

Chinko is FIIIIRRRREEEE!!! His freestyle sense (abi wetin we go call am?) is fucking EXTRA-ORDINARY. He's still a student in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (where YBNL picked him up) but I don't think the boy still dey go school sef. He also has a great sense of humour....hmmmm, my type of nigga!

He was on my list of top 10 upcoming artistes last year, am really proud of him to have made it to this UPGRADED LIST. He's got some great singles out there already and mind you, all those Chinese words Chinko uses in his songs or freestyles na PURE JARGONS....e ma lo go oooo (No go dull am ooo).


So, what do you guyz think of my list? Have I said well? Drops your comments please.

I'm The Charming Humble Nice Guy;
The Online Thug;
Omo Ita Internet;
The Freaky Individual!


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