Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Just incase you missed the previous episodes, read it ---->> HERE


I woke up and found out that Fola still lying down with her head on my chest, I noticed she was having a nightmare. She was cursing in her sleep then all of a sudden she held on tight to me and bit me on the chest while she muttered;
“May that your huge penis shrink and perish forever”, then I shook her awake.
‘Hey! Fola! Wake up, you are biting me', she woke up and realised that she was having a nightmare and that she had bitten me very hard.

‘Eh yah, sorry, I’m so sorry’, she sat upright on the bed and yawned then realised she had just her bra and pants on and I was totally naked.

Dawn was just by the corner and the hotel had switched off their power plant sometime during the night so the bed sheet was damp with perspiration while the duvet was rumpled and askew at the edge of the bed.
‘Please cover up yourself’, Fola said, looking towards another direction while covering herself with the duvet.  I knew the previous night’s liquor in the system had worn off so it was the right time for me to act as a man and hit the bull’s eye by speaking up.
‘Fola! Look here’, I said but she refused to look towards my side, ‘I will not look until you cover up, at least be decent and stop harassing me sexually’
‘I’m not harassing you sexually, I noticed something happened before we slept off, you really wanted this, you wanted me to do it but you are scared so I want you to conquer that fear’, I noticed that she had started fidgeting so I knew I was right, I was saying the truth so I pressed on;
‘Look here Fola, you are a big girl and I know you can make perfect decisions for yourself, perhaps you had a rough or bad experience when another man tried to make love to you but that does not mean all men are the same, I just want you to know that if I am ever going to be with you, I promise you that I will be gentle and you will have the best sexual experience with me’.

I noticed a wry smile on the corner of her lips so I knew I have just struck an important cord so I decided not to push again, rather I left her so that she would have enough time to brood over it but to me, I already added her to the number of virgins I’ve popped, she is number eighteen on the list.
‘Last Born’, she said.
‘Aha!, my name is not Last Born, I’m Pamilerin Benson’.
She stretched her hands towards me;
‘Folashade Davies, I’m not pleased to make your acquaintance in the most awkward manner’, she joked. ‘I think I’d prefer to call you Pamilerin’
‘Hmmmmm, that means you want me to bring a smile to your face, moreover the name is more intimate and only very close friends and family members call me Pamilerin’, I said.
‘In that case I want you to bring that smile to my face’
‘And I will’, I pulled her close to me on the bed and tickled her. As I tickled her she laughed until her eyes were filled with tears.
‘Wow! Would you believe that you are the first person to make me laugh while tickling me? My ex gave up tickling me because I don’t ever laugh when he tickles me’
‘Really? Then I’m the king’, I praised myself and flaunted my muscles in front of her.

Without having sex with her, I was really enjoying her company. Fola felt like the right girl for me and I would love to keep her for myself but the problem is that I have never kept a girl for more than one month. They all repulse me the moment I have sex with them and I do not feel like losing this girl because unlike other girls she has been able to make me smile, laugh and give my heart a few vibrations.

I spoilt our memorable moment when I posed an unexpected question to her;
‘So Fola, tell me about your ex?’, instead of speaking, she bowed her head and became sullen.
‘Babe, please don’t cry, have I said something to hurt you?’. I moved closer to her and pulled her into my warm embrace;
‘I’m sorry if I have struck a chord or reminded you of a painful experience’, I said to her consolingly.

After regaining her composure she opened up that her first love while in secondary school tried to have sex with her but they were both too naive to achieve the aim. When she secured admission into the higher institution as a pre-degree students she was far too young and innocent to understand the politics and gimmicks of the higher institution so she fell into the hands of a bully who had tried to rape her on three different occasions. Then when she believed luck had decided to shine on her she met a new guy who happened to be a larger lout popularly known as Nas.

Nasiru is a cultist who is not serious with his academics but only interested in alcohol and violence but when it comes to handling women he is relatively weak, Fola said Nas lost interest in her immediately he found out that she is still a virgin and makes her think virginity is a curse. He once told her to look for a guy to do her the favour of popping her cherry. She began to despise herself as a virgin then Nas set Fola up with Omo Alhaja, a wealthy member of the cult group he belonged to. His money bag friend Omo Alhaja promised to take care of her so he settled Nas well enough then enforced himself on Fola with power.

At first, Fola thought she could fight her way out of his servitude so she reported him to the school authority but she didn’t have a case at the end of the day because they found out that Omo Alhaja isn’t a bona fide student of the institution, he had been rusticated for over three years. Fola also tried to report to the police but she was advised not to do so because Omo Alhaja has most of the officers in his payroll. Fola eventually accepted her faith and continued with the forceful relationship. He bought her a car and gave her all the flashy and expensive gifts but that didn’t stop him from beating her up and forcing her to satisfy his sexual urge by giving him fellatio and forcing her to swallow his cum. He particularly enjoyed slapping her while she sucks him because it gives him his derived maximum pleasure, he also enjoys sucking her boobs without having sex, and he would suck her nipples for hours until her nipples hurt.  He eventually got tired of her so he left her for another girl but he still flexes his muscle by forcing her to do some things out of her will, like the way he invited her to the party so as to flaunt his new girl to her and setting her up with me with the knowledge and assistance from Nasiru.

...to be continued!

E-mail: optionslib4@gmail.com


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