Monday, February 10, 2014

First of all, I'd like to apologize for the manner by which I went totally offline for some days. My line was also off for this short period of time and sincerely speaking I really really missed you guyz. Thank God I'm back and even REDEFINED!

Before going into the detailed message I've gat for you, lemme quickly WELCOME YOU ALL TO MY OFFICIAL BLOG. You'd see this is a REBRANDED version of the CHNG. For those of you who are new on the show....*clears throat*.....I'll help you to get along - Click to MEET THE CHNG HIMSELF!

Now, let's go into the exclusive message I've gat for you:
1. SORRY - I really wanna say 'I'M TRULY SORRY' to those that I've offended in one way or the other. To both old and young. To those that I've disappointed. To those who were worried about my where about. To those who I ignored their corrections and warnings. To those who never even cared. To those who I've done wrong. To those who I've been misled by some of my posts. To those who I have inspired wrongly. To those who I've been a mess to. To those who I've not been nice to. To those who I've failed in one way or the other. Y'all need to understand that I'm not perfect and that I'm bound to make mistakes. I've realized my mistakes and I'm sincerely begging for your forgiveness. I hope I've been forgiven? If YES. Thanks and God bless you all.

2. NO LONGER A HOODER TO THE CORE - Most of you who are somehow very much aware of my online works would be kinda surprised that I didnt publish this in the hood. Well, I'm sorry to announce to you that I'm no longer a member of The Incredible Palhood Team. was launched in August 2012 and I was the Leader of The Incredible Team till January 2014. The team which had I and the Agboola brothers (Tolu & Timi) as the core decision makers. I did my best as a leader and also as a hooder in the hood. As a matter of fact, most of my friends and families got fed up of my Palhood Obsession as I handled Palhood operations like it was my life during my stay in the team. I will not deny the fact that I've learnt so much while I was the leader of the Incredible Palhood Team. I remember Sakadeli (a presenter at Ayefele Fm) asking us in an interview we granted her at her studio - "Do you see any of you go solo in the nearest future?".....I particularly answered the question that NEVER in this life will that happen cuz we didn't see ourselves as business partners but as brothers. Little did I know that Sakadeli has already been told by the Holy Spirit what was about to happen. However, I'm still very much available in the hood. I'm still a HOODER but not to the CORE as I used to say it!

3. DEBUNK ALL RUMORS - I really don't know what any of you would have heard or seen about ME. Itz all OK and NORMAL. But, can we all debunk all these rumors and move onto the next one.....I mean get into serious business and make something out of this life? Sorry if how I said it hits you in the head....buh itz the truth. The rumors whether true or false will not affect me or change my status as The Charming Humble Nice Guy. They even got me stronger than ever before.

4. I STILL REMAIN THE CHARMING HUMBLE NICE GUY - Giving all GLORY, ADORATION and THANKS to the Almighty God. I have decided to move all that I was doing in the hood here on my official blog - The CHNG Blog. I'm not starting all over again as most of you must have thought, I'm MOVING ON! Continuing from where I stopped. Some of my important and great posts in the hood have been published here already. Feel free to READ and ENJOY!

The time you'll be spending here will not for once be a waste. I assure you that. For more than 3 years as an online personality....I spend everyday of my life writing, bringing up interesting topics and putting up online shows....I share my life experiences, and my journey with you all. I am intentionally making my life, my thoughts, my stories public…because I truly believe in my heart that they may be of use to some of you, may entertain you, may inform or enlighten you. This has not been easy for me especially as bad belle people plenty...This is what I love to do....It gives me joy and my spirit is always lifted up seeing myself as your online personal person. You guyz have been so wonderful. You have inspired me to persist and persevere in this my hobby. Your continued patronage inspired me to put up this blog even after I resigned as a blogger on Palhood. For this, I am very very very very grateful! Your support means everything to me!

I believe browsing the net should be fun....we work and study everyday.....even if God don curse Adam and Eve sey dem go work till dem die, which still dey affect us till now....we should in our own personal selves find tym to have fun....YES! Thatz why you need someone like ME, the CHNG to trill you with those gists, photos, thoughts, opinions and views. If you need a place where you can relax and get real gist, the right place is HERE! Anytime you feel very bored, tired, exhausted....You jes get yourself a glass cup of juice, wine, water or what have you....find a place to relax your gentle body....and with your device, come HERE....You'll surely find yourself falling off your seat. I'm here to make your online experience a CRAZY but INTERESTING one.

One thing about me is I love people sabi me....once I see something wey catch my attention or irritate me...I come online and vex my anger anywhere online.....any platform the ranting spirit fall upon me....datz why you need to be connected with me on my social networks, for you not to miss any of my rants....thereby ranting in togetherness - Facebook, Twitter - Mc_Jawbone, Tumblr, Instagram - @Mc_Jawbone, LinkedIn, Google+.


Sit back, Feel at home, Be free, Relax and Enjoy the show! And then always participate by dropping your comments and INVITE your families, friends and people here.

ONCE AGAIN, I welcome you all to my REDEFINED WORLD. I TRULY LOVE YOU ALL! kisses - Mmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaaahhhhhh!

Take care and have a wonderful week ahead.

Thanks and God bless!

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