This is an article I wrote few weeks ago. My dad read it and strongly warned me not to post it or send it out for publication anywhere. But right now, I'm not happy and with all conviction from different corners, I think this is the right time for me to publish it. ENJOY it:
Sincerely, I solemnly do this. But whenever I get the inspiration to do it....I go raw and crazy. Thatz why I named my hashtag, Para Mode Activated. I've once read Jerry's story of how he transformed Ghana but I really didn't give my whole heart to it. I recently went through the story once again but this time, thoroughly and I was inspired to do this. Looking at the development Ghanaians are currently enjoying, I want to vent my anger on some ever unreal transformation agenda our fake leaders having been ranting about all these years.
For some of you who may not know who Jerry J. Rawlings is. Lemme quickly take you through a history class:
Jerry J. Rawlings was born on June 22, 1947, in Accra, Ghana. In 1979, he led coups to overthrow the military government.
Rawlings initiated his debut coup d'état on 15 May 1979, leading a group of military personnel in a coup attempt on General Fred Akuffo which resulted in him arrested, imprisoned and facing a death sentence. On June 4, soldiers sympathetic to his motivations broke him out of jail, and he led a revolt of both the military and civilians which overthrew General Akuffo and the Supreme Military Council, effectively leaving him in charge.
Rawlings signed the orders for the execution of a former military president of Ghana who was later executed: Ignatius Kutu Acheampong , and Air Vice-Marshal Yaw Boakye. Four other generals—Kotei, Joy Amedume, Roger Felli, and Utuka—were also put to death.
The killings of the Supreme Court justices (Cecilia Koranteng Addo, Frederick Sarkodie, and Kwadjo Agyei Agyepong), military officers Major Sam Acquah and Major Dasana Nantogmah and the killings and disappearance of over 300 other Ghanaians occurred in his time in Ghana's history. Rawlings has never denied responsibility for this.
He became chairman of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council AFRC (what Rawlings described as a much wider "house-cleaning exercise") that year and he executed heads of state to eradicate corruption. After 112 days of rule, Rawlings handed power to Limann which he later eliminated on seeing the poor administration Limann led. Rawlings became Ghanaian president in 1982, and was twice re-elected.
He has since been an envoy to Somalia.
To know more about Jerry's handwork in delivering Ghana from corruption, biko Google search. Thanks.
Now, I want to para. Please, what has been set up to eradicate corruption in Nigeria? Did I just hear you say EFFC & ICPC? Thunder fire your mouth! You better don't lemme slap your face. Are they even still existing? Which corrupt leader dem don catch? We've gat 100s of Senators, Commissioners, Governors....both former and 'still rulling' who we all know as very corrupt. After getting some arrested and charged to court....the 1st week will be sooo sooo hot and the first page of many National dailies will be about the story of how one corrupt leader has embezzled our money. Calm down and wait till the next week, there wouldn't be much news about these stories. Then, in the next 3 months all you read is this corrupt leader who how he looted our money was printed with figures in the papers have been set free. Shiooorrr.
Letz leave Corruption story for now and move to another national issue eating us up, which is sustainable development. Wetin don develop for this country since the GEJ don become President? Ok! We can really point to some developments. Good! If y'all are satisfied with these developments, why then are we still complaining?.....If you feel we are okay with where our country is. And please what happened to the most greatest 7-point transformation agenda? My guy, we are just fooling ourselves in this country. We only need 1-point agenda which is Power Supply. It is a shame on us all, if truly we are the one supplying Ghana light and we still can not boast of 24 hours un-interrupted power supply. What a pity.
I hear sey Bode George is also a delegate to the ongoing CONFAB, please is this really true? Imagine, an ex-convict is gon be deciding the fate of this nation. Someone who was found guilty of high degree corruption? And you say this National Conference of a thing na good initiative? Haaaaa! I shake my head for all you.
Another issue I wanna address is the education sector. Hmmmmm....if I can afford to go study in one of those Universities in Ghana, I am ready to ditch OOU, Ago-Iwoye at my final year to go start all over again at a Ghanaian University. Because by the time I come back and submit my Resume to the C.E.O of Zenith bank, I will be chosen over a 1st class graduate of OAU, Ife. You should understand what I mean here by now.
I have said I will not say anything about the security of this nation any longer, so I no fit para ontop that matter. Read my MY LAST POST ON TERRORIST KILLINGS BY BOKO HARAM and SEE A SCENARIO OF WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEFALLEN THE 234 MISSING CHIBOK GIRLS & WHAT WE ALL NEED TO DO.
Now tell me, where the hell are organizations like Occupy Nigeria and Save Group? They have still not been able to occupy a space in their village? The last time we heard of them was during the fuel subsidy crisis....their music concert from morning till evening, Monday to Friday was fun though. We danced all through. Their respective twitter accounts have turned into a relationship and jokes handle. LMAO!
See, believe it or not....the man who said we need a second revolution in this country has said the right thing. We do not only need a revolution, all these past governors, presidents, corrupt political leaders etc. need to be killed and made to perish. They are the cause of our un-development and suffering.
We need not be quiet or silent about this truth. Our past leaders who brought about corruption and all the 'still ruling' leaders who have been looting our resources and treasures SHOULD ALL BE ELIMINATED. God smiled on Ghana and gave them a Jerry J. Rawlings to deliver them. Till date, Ghana has not remained the same.
Where is our own Jerry J. Rawlings? Merciful God, I call on you to help us wake our Jerry up and let him kill and act accordingly. These people have been playing on our intelligence. They've been deceiving us too bad. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
God, bring our own Jerry to us. We need him badly. We all want to wake up one day and receive the news of our past and current leaders' deaths. If they are no more, Nigeria will turn around for the better in less than 24hours. Boko Haram will stop operation immediately, this I'm very sure of.
Some girls have been missing for more than 7 weeks now and all our GEJ could do is pop champagne over the victory of one PDP Governor.
I've done what I'm sent to do and if I am jailed cuz of this.....then, you all should be prepared for the worse to happen. The brave ones among us have been multiplied by zero and their inbuilt courage have been degraded down to a level that they have lost their voices and become respected cowards.
Aswear, we (Nigerians) are all foolish to have been silent all this while.
The Charming Humble Nice Guy won't say more than this.
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Thanks and God bless.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
3:44 PM
The C.H.N.G Blog
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How I hope people would pay attention to blogs and posts like this, bu our people, you hear their voices when they are in need but immediately something good start happening to them, they forget lots of others are still suffering. This country really needs an overhauling, it cannot be done by our leaders, only by the people, that would encourage our own "Jerry" to Rise up wherever he might be..
ReplyDeleteI love dis mhen!!! This country really needs cannot be done by our past and present leaders buh by the cowardless youth...I love CHNG..keep it up
ReplyDeletefrankly speaking,when issue like this is raised,it makes my head tough. what can we say is wrong with our system? should we say our leaders are greenhorns,tyros,morons or imbeciles? or should we say they lack the moral uprightness to do good? but what am certain of is that " mankind will never find an end to its problems until lovers of wisdom become holders of political power and holders of political power become lovers of wisdom" all these continually ruminate within me. thunder fire all the leaders that don't wish the nation well.
ReplyDeleteHmm!Sumbodi is rili para'ing'!Calm dwn CHNG na erry bodi dey para big time,d point is gettin dt brave person 2 step out nd d masses throwin in dia support!nd dahs anova big Problem gan,corruption has eaten so deep in our soul dt we dnt evn wantu support good things no more,wuz in Ibadan through out d strike period nd I as a literate is awe about d changes Ajimobi has brot 2 OYo,buh ve ova heard pipz in ova 10 gatherings sayin dy wnt vote him in coz he ddnt pump out moni d way PDP. Elects du,wiv dt u shud b able 2 come 2 terms wiv d fact dt we d masses re strongly 2 blame for al of dese!this aint jux d case ov needin a Nigeria Jerry coz I knw my country pipu will antagonise til dy finali kee him,an example is dt ov Stella Damascus!It is onli God dt can save us o!I rili taya 4 Naija
ReplyDeleteGod bless mc yimica, most christians don't critize gej. The whites feel we nigerians are like children god has blessed this country with thousands of tesources but we cannot take care of ourselves and enjoy our riches. We have enough to create millions of job but 48m are unemplyed. Corruption will not let us develop, our 1 point agenda is upose to be fighting corruption but most nigerians are not intellige nt enough to fight put sentiments asside and unite to fight corruption.
ReplyDeleteU said it all. Tnx so much. May God send our own Jerry fast.
ReplyDeleteLov dis, its. Quite okay
ReplyDelete1 milloin kisses for u, dis ur write-up sense makin
ReplyDeletenice one bro (y)
ReplyDeleteYes I support you. We need a jerry rawlings in nigeria
ReplyDeleteI'm sure our JERRY RAWLINGS į̸̸̨§ out derz,bt do U̶̲̥̅̊ think he can do all dat by himself.he wudstrongly need supports.ℓ̊ totally agree wit U̶̲̥̅̊ daz our only hop. pls CHNG share dis on every blog U can.meself dey vex.