Monday, September 8, 2014

Spreading the gospel in music and mix, reaching the secular generation in a language they can relate to, various gospel artists/ministers takes the gospel to the streets with the release of volume one of a DJ mix series tagged Gospel On The Street.

Gospel on the street was born out of genuine goodwill towards the nation Nigeria, the reason why the world and our nation in particular is the way it is today is because gospel ministers/artists sits and watch. I told myself I won’t be ashamed of my beliefs, If the secular world can host street concerts, carnivals, free shows, street mixes, etc, promoting alcohol, drugs, sex, crime and all other immoral behaviors which is the mother of what faces the world and Nigeria today, I can do more by spreading the good news to all men which is beneficial – Says the brain behind the mix series.

The first edition of the large Gospel on the street mix series is a combination of 31 great Nigerian gospel songs.

The hard copy is in print and will be available and distributed free in over 1,000 locations through-out the federal republic of Nigeria, which will be followed by a radio tour and also a concert. The artists (street evangelists) lineup features such big names as Frank Edwards, Sinach, Sammy Okposo, Mr. Steps up as well as other well-known fast rising gospel musicians as Skalawee, Omo Jesu, Lady Ingrid and a host of others.

Disc jockey, turn-tabliest DJ Skillful gave us the first edition of the mix series.

1. lady Ingrid ft Omo jesu - imenem
2. ojb - born throw
3. lady Ingrid ft perfect goerge - how great
4. Sinach - who I am
5. Paul agubata - agidigba
6. African j - Nija Ghana praise
7.Uche agu - Lagos praise
8. Sammy okposo - who tell u say
9. Omo Jesu - Jesus numb 1
10. mavedeme
11. Omo Jesu - Jesus numb 1
12. Uche agu - my God is good
13. Mr stepsup - I dey feel am
14. Gabriel - my praise
15. Mr stepsup - I dey feel am
16. ada - bobobo
17. African j - seke
18. ada - am rich
19. Frank Edwards - okaka
20. Omo Jesu - blessings of Abraham
21. Eben - baba ni
22. Mr stepsup - toochukwu
23. skalawee - consuming fire
24. Mr stepsup - toochukwu
25. African j - Nija Ghana praise
26. opeyemi - number one
27. omo Jesu - blessings of Abraham
28. frank Edwards - okaka
29. Mr stepsup - toochukwu
30. 2kool - thank God
31. lady Ingrid - imenem ft Omo jesu

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