Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wives, if your husband is on facebook, always expect him to flirt. Facebook was developed to connect with old friends and meet new friends. If your husband aint doing any of those, then maybe he's doing some online biz just like me. Even while doing biz, some pretty facebook chics will pop up. So, what do you expect your husband to do? To comot eye? Lailai....dos babes too fine na.

Well, a lady sent me this mail last week....I just got the courage to put it up for you guyz to see and for sure help her:
"Hi CHNG, I have come again oo..u knw women got a lot of problems DAT needs to b solved....I noticed my husband keeps liking a particular gals picture on Facebook...almost all her pix has his likes..but he never likes mine or even comments on any....could DAT b a cause for alarm?? Another is I opened his Fb one boring night cos I have his password( he gave it to me).. and I saw a chat wit one of his friends DAT stays in Lag..he told his friend DAT he will b coming to Lagos soonest to get some goods and from there he would " track one babe like that" and he sent d pix of d gal to d friend...d friend was like wow asking where she stays in lag so he would be taking care of her until he comes.. I cried all thru d night and prayed too...I'm expecting our first child...should I confront him?? cos I feel cheated... lovely fans of The CHNG Blog, pls advice me coz am confused now"

Haaaa....nkan nbe!!! See wetin facebook dey cause now, Mark Zuckerberg come here wan scatter people home with your invention abi? But, come to think of it, no be Mark send husband to go dey flirt for facebook na.

Madam, you have every right to confront your husband. But, do it in the most sensible manner, or else.....baba fit change am for you. As a woman, you should know how to seduce your husband to tell you the real koko about the facebook chic. And do this before he travels to Lagos know you are expecting your first child, make e no go be like sey na Facebook chic go born the second child for your ayam just saying my own ni ooo.

The Charming Humble Nice Guy won't say more than this.

My people, what do you have to say to this woman....she really needs your help. Drop your words as comment.


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