Friday, September 18, 2015

Itz actually been a very long time you read anything from the Boss Lady herself, TEE SILVA. Most of my new blog readers might not really be familiar with the name. TEE SILVA wrote 'FINDING LOVE THROUGH BETRAYAL' and that story happens to be one of the MOST READ STORIES here on The CHNG Blog.

She send me to una sey make una no vex sey e tey before she submit another exciting story. This is THE DEATH PLOT, a story you have to farabale read and follow to the end, never try miss an episode. ENJOY!!!

And make sure you SHARE and drop a nice comment below. God bless you.


Jake was driving down the street to his apartment. He was coming from work and it had really been a long day. He had just been transferred to Area F Police Station, Ikeja Lagos as the DCO and just three weeks in office, he's already had a stack of un-investigated files on his desk. He had been surprised to find out that the former DCO of that area had swept many cases under the carpet. Most especially murder cases, armed robberies, and rape cases.

There was the murder case of Senator Davies, Prof. Richard Jaleiyemi, Mr Babatunde and so many prominent people in the society are left un-investigated.

Jake was lost in his thoughts when suddenly he noticed something or someone on the road. He pushed his breaks and the car came to a halt.

He came out of his car and looked up and down the lonely road to his home. He checked the thing lying on the road and found out it was a man. He touched him, checked for his pulse - nothing. The man was dead. His police instinct told him he shouldn't move anything from the scene. He went into his car, brought out his camera and took pictures of the crime scene. something about the man lying dead looks familiar.
"Could they have met somewhere before?", he thought.

He searched his pants' pockets for his mobile phone and dialed the not-so-familiar number of his office.
Jake - "Inspector me at Santus layout with two of your men. I think there is another crime, what I don't know is if it's a hit and run or a real murder".

Thirty minutes later, Bryan was at the scene with two other policemen.
Jake - "Check the body to see if you can identify him".
Bryan - "It's Professor Smart sir".
Jake - "Professor Smart?"
Bryan - "Yes sir"
Jake - "The man is to receive an award tomorrow?".

This is definitely not a hit and run, it's cold blooded murder. there's blood on his head and scars all over his body like someone who had been tortured. Professor Smart was a professor of medicine in the University of Lagos. He is said to be the best in the country when it comes to lecturing on medicine, and he had always fought for the student's rights when it comes to study facilities.

He is known nationwide as incorruptible and so he was to receive an award tomorrow - although that seems to be no longer possible as the case may be.

Although Jake had not met Prof. Smart but he has heard a lot about him. His secretary had given him an invitation for the award night tomorrow.

Who killed Smart? Why was he killed? Does it have anything to do with tomorrow's award?

Jake - "Bryan, call the ambulance and inform his family. Make sure you open an investigation file for him. I'll see you in the office tomorrow.
Bryan - "Alright sir".

Jake got into his car and drove the ten minutes distance to his apartment. He opened his door and helped himself with a glass of brandy. He was about settling down in front of his computer when his doorbell rang. He checked his watch, it was a few minutes past ten.

Who could it be at this time? He went to the living room and opened the door.
Jake - "Oh Janice, how are you?"
Janice - "I'm fine"
Jake - "What are you doing here right now? Are you sure you are okay?"
Janice - "Why that question? Cant I come see my boyfriend whenever it pleases me?", she seem to have taken offense so Jake said;
"No No, Janice! It's not that. I's late and quite lonely along this road. Did you bring your car?"
Janice - "No! I came in a cab. I have missed you baby", with that Janice captured Jake's mouth in a kiss.

"What's wrong baby? Is this a bad time?" Janice asked.
Jake - "Not that honey, it's just that I'm not feeling too well and I've got a lot of work to do tonight"
Janice - "Is it about Professor Smart's murder?".

Jake was shocked to hear that from Janice.
Jake - "How did you get to know about it, Janice?"
Janice - "Well...I...I heard it in the news"
Jake - "News? it has only been a couple of hours and my TV has been on since I entered the house and I haven't heard it, they didn't even make mention of it on the 9pm news".
Janice - "Maybe you didn't tune to the right station. I heard it on NTA".
Jake muttered an "OKAY" and shook his head, he wasn't convinced. His TV has been tuned and its still tuned to NTA.

Could Janice have lied? How did she know I was working on the Smart's case? Why is she here anyway? Something about her presence in my house at this hour is suspicious but what exactly? Jake turned series of questions over in his mind, but since he couldn't get an answer he just shifted his attention on his naked girlfriend heading to the bathroom.

"Do you care to join me in the shower?", Janice winked.
"Sure", Jake responded and went into the waiting arms of his girlfriend. be continued!

Written by: TEE SILVA


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