Sunday, September 20, 2015

Just incase you missed EPISODE 2, you can read it ---->> HERE. ENJOY the CONTINUATION and always remember to COMMENT and SHARE!

Jake got to his apartment very late that night, he tried to open his door but found there is a key on the inside.
“Janice” he thought.

He knocked the door and Janice opened with a broad smile.
Janice - “Hi baby”
Jake - “Since when do I have to knock my apartment’s door when I return from work. You didn’t tell me that was why you wanted my spare key”
Janice - “Don’t you like the surprise?”
Jake - “I didn’t say that”
Janice - “Come on in then”
Jake - “She’s even inviting me in to my own house”
Janice - “I prepared dinner. Would you like to freshen up first or eat first?
Jake - “I’ll freshen up first”.

After freshening up, he joined Janice in the dining room and while they had dinner he said;
Jake - “Janice, I’ve been thinking. Our relationship will be one year in a couple of weeks, don’t you think we should have an anniversary?
Janice - “An anniversary? I don’t see the necessity”
Jake - “Not something much, let’s just invite some friends over and have dinner”
Janice - “It's not a wedding anniversary Jake, so why the dinner? Moreover, I’m the female, I’m the one who should want a party but I don’t want one, so why are you pushing it?”
Jake - “You really don’t want a dinner?”
Janice - “No, I don’t”
Jake - “Okay then. Will you do the dishes alone while I finish up some work before we go to bed?”
Janice - “Don’t worry, go on”.

Jake went to his study desk, turned on his computer and clicked on the picture of Raymond and Janice, he read the full story under it. Then he saw another picture of them holding hands, that was taken three months ago. He closed his computer, went through his file and brought out Raymond’s picture and that of his sisters. Janice opened the door and saw Jake staring at the photos.
“Come have a look”, Jake said as he handed Raymond’s photo to Janice. He watched her face.
Jake - “That’s Raymond Smart. Do you know him?”
Janice - “No, I don’t”. Her face was void of expression.
Jake - “He’s Prof. Smart’s son and here are his sisters”. He handed Amanda and Avirah’s photos to her.
Janice - “Well, I don’t know any of them but I remember Avirah’s face from a magazine. I think she’s the face of Delta soap”
Jake - “Really? Didn’t you apply for that post also? There was a time when you told me you were interested in being the face of Delta soap”
Janice - “Yes. And you know I wasn’t taken”
Jake - “So, she was taken instead?”
Janice - “I guess so. Aren’t you done rounding up? Let’s go get some rest”.

Jake shutdown his computer and went out of his study hand in hand with Janice. He laid on the bed for a long time with lot of thoughts going through his mind.

How could Janice have feigned ignorance of Raymond? What relationship do they have exactly?
“I really need to get to the root of this matter”, he thought.

The next day, Jake received a mail from Raymond with a list of Professor Smart’s friends, immediate families and enemies. Jake looked thoroughly on the list of Smart’s enemies and he saw a name; “Senator Davies”. The man whose murder case file is on Jake’s desk.

How come he was an enemy of Smart? Jake picked his intercom and buzzed his secretary.
Jake - “Sandra, please call me Bryan”.
Few minutes later, Bryan was in Jake’s office.
Bryan - “Sir, you called for me”
Jake - “Yes Bryan. I was going through the list of Prof. Smart’s enemies and I saw a familiar name, Senator Davies. His case file is on my desk and he was reported dead about two months ago. Do you know anything about them both?”
Bryan - “No sir. I only know that both of them used to be closed friends but all of a sudden they drifted apart”
Jake - “Do you know why they drifted apart?”
Bryan - “No, I don’t”
Jake - “Okay. Can you try to find out? Please investigate it”
Bryan - “I will sir”
Jake - “You may go now”.

Senator Davies and Professor Smart were two close friends that drifted apart. Why? Now both are dead. How? be continued!

Written by: TEE SILVA


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