Friday, October 30, 2015

If you’ve been following recent trends, you might have noticed that there’s something huge currently going on in the Nigerian online marketing world.

Well, let me hint you and save you the trouble of guessing: There’s a one-week launch going on for the best Nigerian Copywriting course ever created, simply tagged “Copy that Sells” or CTS for short.

CTS is a training for business owners and entrepreneurs on how to easily create powerful marketing materials that will boost your business – and bank account.

The training package goes further to promise that you can indeed create these materials, necessary to move your business forward and beat your competitors hands down, without you even having to know how to write.

The training comes with a lot of resources, and these resources are created to make it easy for the non-writer and the non-marketer to create powerful sales materials by simply using fill-in-the-blank templates, and having access to dozens of past & current successful promotions that made the owners very rich.

So you can copy from these time-tested and proven promotions and then paste into a template, to create your own promotions or adverts, and you can be sure the campaign will be successful.

How sweet!

When asked about why he’s so sure about the potency of the resources, Oludami declared that he ‘ethically’ stole these resources – one by one – from the topmost successful marketers, businesspersons, and copywriters around the world – from past to present.

If you ask me, I’ll say this is truly priceless.

Main Training?
Other than these resources, the main training manual teaches you in depth the secrets to running a business successfully: persuasion!

It teaches the principles of persuasion, and how to apply it in creating sales messages and marketing materials – copywriting.

Using the ‘stolen’ resources isn’t enough; you still must know the principles behind them, so that you can know which to use at what stage, and you can easily edit them to suit your business. In fact, you can decide to create yours from the scratch.

The CTS Training Package includes over 15 materials and mouth-watering bonuses, most of which will be enjoyed by the first few people who join.

And guess what? Till 3rd November, you can get yourself the CTS Training Package at a huge discount of 80%. Wow!

To learn more about CTS, and how you can get your copy – and to know exactly who this US-certified master copywriter and digital marketer, Oludami is, visit here now:

“As a new online magazine, we needed to create more awareness for MEGASMAG, so we decided to place an advert on the Lindaikeji blog. I was referred to ‘Lucrative Pen’ (Oludami) by a colleague who insisted we would get the best strategy to ensure we got the best result from our advert. The strategy we were offered was fantastic; it engaged any reader and was very well optimised for search engines. The result was an 830% increase in email subscribers and a 67% increase in new website sessions.”
– Oluwatobi Adesina, Editor MEGASMAG

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1 comment:

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