Tuesday, July 19, 2016

We all have dreams in mind, we have focus and imaginations that is being replayed in our hearts, day-in, day-out, as a description of our paradise. We toil day and night to attain our goals both long-term and short-term. We make sacrifices and commitment in terms of money, time and energy in expectation of a fruitful return.

Unexpectedly, we reach a spot at which the ā€œoffering basketā€ of life becomes so deep that our contributions no matter how huge it is to us, come in penny result or outcomes. We invest so much capital and manpower into a business and were unable to break-even. We study day and night for a course of study and end up failing or at least passing with the lowest credits. We work hard for years to learn a trade but at the end knowledge of the trade will look useless because prospect and patrons pay so little in the name of relationship. We sacrifice our time and money to make a romantic relationship work, but at the end, the cruising love boat will drown in voyage.

Fortunately, we live in a world of cause and effect. Nothing in life happen without a cause. In the same vein, here is an explanation to why people reap meagre harvest after planting millions of seedlings.

The first cause is that they give in the wrong things. The parable of planting and harvesting has always lingered through the memories of generation that comes and generations to come. Whatever you sow you shall reap, you can never sow apples and reap oranges. The paradigm is universal; however, people hardly consider the fact that the process of planting seeds is different. For example, yam is not planted the same way apples are, you cannot grow banana on an arid land, and neither can you find a cactus in a rainforest. This same principle applies to goals attainment. Every profession, business or course of study has its own idiosyncrasies. It is not all about hard work, it is not about just injecting money, and it is not just about toiling relentlessly. Some endeavour requires a little push, a little pause, while some other will take strategic planning and the applications of principles. But when these things are not considered before venturing into an activity, it is assured to yield less or no returns.

Another cause of reaping so little is interfering in the process of growth. Life is a system and a system works in process, a change in the system many times. We work so hard on our goals, then at a point sabotage all we have been working on by abandoning the whole process in search of a ā€œfast-trackā€.

People leave their gradual process of promotion in a paid employment and venture into fraudulent scams. They close down their business in their locale in search of blessings in another manā€™s country. What they do in essence is like uprooting a plant before it matures, it is also called bisecting the chicken that lays golden eggs. At the end of the days, all these detours and diversions becomes a setback for the adventurer. The lucky ones will find their way back into the process in a place very distant from where they have once reaped while the unlucky ones would have to start again or have no means to start.

Another reason for infertile effort is that ā€œtrigger-happyā€ syndrome. A man without focus is just like any trigger-happy man that shoots whatever he sees. A trigger-happy soldier never makes it back home, the bullets are limited when exhausted, and the gun is useless. A wise hunter never get trigger-happy even when he sees a fierce beast, he waits for the right time before pulling the trigger. The same principle applies to every human, if one lacks the ability to focus on a goal at a time, such a person will lose morale, even when he encounters the best of opportunities. The magnifying glass can be used to create fire only when it is held stationary between the direction of skylight and the object to be lit. The heat intensity of a candle light is undisturbed. Not all events are opportunities, some are distractions and what is an opportunity to you. Therefore, not all events require our reaction. Avoid focusing attention on less important things or issues not related to your present goals.

The last cause of reaping little fruit is self-comparison that is measuring of oneā€™s personal growth by the growth rate of others. Human beings are natural gregarious and in the society of men there is always a desire to dominate or remain outstanding. This desire is what has favourably revolutionized civilization through inventions and techno-socio economic development. However, in this naturally competitive world we live in, most people tend to evaluate their rate of growth through the growth of their counter-parts. Doing this demotivates the examiner, the more examined succeeds. We all have our race to run; the best way to achieve any goal is to put all effort into it and where self-comparison is avoidable, make friends with those beyond you.

Switching to achieve more by doing less entails a lot such as employing self mastery, deciding a brand and how it is to be positioned, employing motivation and personally developing oneā€™s ability.



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