Friday, February 19, 2016

Just incase you missed previous episodes, read;



WARNING: This is a FUNFILLED, EROTIC story which will keep your adrenaline pumping. Make nobody talk sey we no warn am ooo. ENJOY the continuation and also remember to drop a comment #Wink
I was shocked and scared when Aunty Diana caught Aunty Ruth and I on the act but was not prepared for what followed. Instead of feeling remorse aunty Ruth roughened the situation and tried to use the big sister factor but it did not work with aunty Diana because she also decided to blackmail aunty Ruth so aunty Diana said she will only keep shut and not blow the trumpet if she is allowed to take a part in the illicit love making which aunty Ruth and I started.

She saw the satisfactory expression written all over her nymphomaniac sister and she wanted a taste of my magical plantain;
ā€˜I no go gree o, if you no wan make I tell everybody make this small boy just do me sefā€™, as they argued on I slipped into my cloths and slipped out of the room only to meet their mother just returning from t ahe market in the thin long corridor of their 'face me I face you' building.

Who would have believed aunty Diana would return from school unannounced, she usually come home during the weekends so even aunty Ruth didnā€™t expect her neither did their mother because I could here her talking at the top of her voice as she entered their house;
ā€˜Diana! Wetin you come do for house again? No tell me say una don strike abi you need money o because I no get money to give you. If you want money make you go meet your dead papa for grave because una no go kill me. I don born una make una go born una own so I go take care of them for unaā€™.

Gabu was anxiously waiting for me outside for us to continue our game of Ludo but I disappointed him, Iā€™d rather reminisce about what happened between Aunty Ruth and I a few minutes back. I was lost in thought and didnā€™t know when Gabu left neither did I take notice of the customer standing in front of me and demanding the price of a bunch of plantain in my tray. The woman brought me out of my reverie with a slight touch;
ā€˜Wetin you this small boy dey think at your age wey you no answer me since?ā€™ she asked.

Immediately I finished attending to her, Gabu came back with his vigour renewed anew;
ā€˜Last Born make we bet command na?ā€™, his proposal interested me and I agreed.

Command was a tag game whereby both parties are meant to cross their fingers at every hour of the day or at least have their fingers crossed at any time you come across or in presence of the other partner then command the other person to do your will if caught without his or her fingers crossed. The last time we played the game, Gabu caught me three times in a role without my fingers crossed. The first time he commanded me to give him a bunch of plantain, the second time he commanded me to give him roasted plantain while on the third time he commanded me to give him my meat while I was eating my lunch in school so I decided to end the game and modify the rules by not asking for food items and money because I noticed that Gabu was particularly interested in food items.

Till the end of the week, Aunty Ruth found one excuse or the other to send me on errands which will end me up in their room and I am more than ready to run those errands so as to end up in their room. I perform the tasks with the speed of light and deliver the message promptly knowing she will definitely invite me to her bed.

My new experience of sex was so thrilling that Iā€™d love to share the experience with someone or anyone but Aunty Ruth had warned me to keep my mouth shut else he will tell my elder brother and everyone that I do peep on her while taking her bath and itā€™s her words against mine. I knew I shall get the beating of my life if I tell anyone but I wanted Gabu to enjoy what I was currently enjoying yet I didnā€™t want to tell him so I caught him without his fingers crossed so I commanded him to spank aunty Ruth on her butt.

Gabu had no choice but to do it but he was surprised that Aunty Ruth just smiled when he did it and ran away. Gabu then made it a habit to spank Aunty Ruthā€™s butt every evening when he sees her walking on the street and each time she smiles instead of chastising him. I encouraged Gabu to try it more often knowing him to be adventurous just like me so he tried it and to our surprise Aunty Ruth smiled and walked away each time he did it.

Henceforth, Gabu in my absence made it a hubby to spank Aunty Ruthā€™s butt every evening. He does it whenever he sees her dressed and taking an evening stroll. Then two weeks later the unexpected happened. Gabuā€™s trademark was to spank Aunty Ruth on the butt and ran off the corner leading to the next street so on this day he did same. As he spanked her butt and ran off the corner, four of the big boys living on the street who were known to be mean, rough and bullied whoever they can after smoking weed were waiting for Gabu.

They caught Gabu and brought him straight to Aunty Ruth. Unknown to Gabu, Aunty Ruth had planned with the boys to help her apprehend Gabu. They took Gabu to the mud earthen ground and stripped him naked then aunty Ruth produced a jar which is filled with army ants then a hole was dug on the hard mug ground, aunty Ruth poured the ants in the hole then Gabuā€™s penis was forced into the hole and held in place by the four big boys. Gabu yelled in pain and attracted onlookers to the scene most of who made jest of him after hearing his offense;
ā€˜That thing wey dey hungry you as you small reach make you see as e sweet reachā€™, aunty Ruth said.

When Gabu was released after about three minutes, his penis was clustered with the angry ants who stubbornly stuck on his penis. He cried out in pain while everyone laughed except me. A cold shiver ran down my spine and I felt guilty for introducing him to such an action ā€œwell no be me tell am to dey do am everyday shaā€ I thought, shrugged then left the scene but caught aunty Ruth winking at me as I left.

Later that night I heard that Gabu was placed directly under the fan in their sitting room with red oil applied all over his penis. At the end of the day I found the scenario amusing and planned on making jest of Gabu when next I see him. Be Continued!

Written by: The Perverted Hermit.
Twitter: @otmoney.
Instagram: @ot_hazeem.
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