Friday, March 20, 2015

Just incase you missed EPISODE 1, read ----->>> HERE

I'm a grown girl now still with this thought of whom my father actually is. In the course of finding out the root of my existence, I discovered that my mom got pregnant at the age of 21 and also she herself never knew she was pregnant until she got to Nigeria.
Yeah!!!! I know but don't get confused, she was not born in Nigeria, she is a Sierra-Leonean by birth but Nigerian by origin. I told myself that there is a greater chance of my real dad not even knowing I even exist.

Now back to where I was coming from. My mom treated me like trash to the extent that I developed greater fear than respect for her. Well...... Let me be sincere *whispering* "I wished she would just die". Don't be shocked, though if she dies now it will hurt me a great deal, but as a teenager, I felt it was the best solution to my ordeal.

I could still remember vividly when I was in secondary school, there was a time I wore my mom's fancy slippers to school and she warned that nothing should happen to the slippers and I said with all boldness that nothing would happen to it. Mehnn............that day became one of the very bad days I ever lived. I was involved in a fatal accident with my uniform torn, my glasses broken (my second eye you may call it), bruises all over my body, but the only thing that was on my mind to save was my mom's fancy slippers, and I was actually crying out for them. LOL....... It was so funny that up till this moment, my friend who was with me that day, still makes jest of me. She said I was shouting;
"My slippers! My slippers! My mummy will beat me".

This was funny to my friend but provoking to the people around trying to save my life. That is exactly what fear can cause.

I got home that night with bruises on my face, hand and leg but my mom still told me to go fetch water without caring or asking about the bruises on my body. I did as instructed but at that point it wasn't the pain that made me cry more but rather it was her attitude of being less concerned. A lady who stays in my compound saw me carrying the big bucket of water in that state (I was actually limping). Out of annoyance, she confronted my mom...only for my mom to utter these exact words about me;
"God punish her for where she dey"

The lady was shocked to the bone that she had to come ask me why such utterance and treatment from my someone I call my mom.....You all know I have no good answer to that question.

So many times I have eaten in my neighbours house because I didn't even enjoy eating at home. My mother would always look at me like I was a bad memory or like my coming to this world took something precious from her or even reminded her of someone she really wanted to forget so quickly. She would put her business on hold for days just to be with my sister who was ill in the hospital, but the day I slumped in school and she was called to come take me to the hospital because my pulse was weak. Well, she came but on the second day, she reminded me with a dirty slap how I made her waste her snacks and abandon her business all because I missed afternoon dosage of my drugs.

So many things she did to me that sometimes I felt like running away from home. I've been served the burnt part of a food for dinner on several occasions. When I say burnt I don't mean the sweet ones oooo, I mean the extremely burnt part that has been abandoned. She'd force me to eat it and I must not drink water until I'm done eating.

Life was so unbearable for me at that stage of my life. Everyday would either start or end with something to make me sad. There was never a good day for me even on festive periods. I get punished on every slight mistake I make.

My dad has flogged me on two occasions with the head of his belt that I almost fainted due to wrong information given to him about me by my mom, but out of fear I could not say she was lying. I don't blame the man because whenever he was at home she acts all nice and he knows nothing. Despite all these I still love my mom.

BUT STILL WHO IS MY DAD??? be continued!!!

Written by: Dance Bug
BBM Pin: 2B6C2E67
Ff on Twitter: @graciousdemmie


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  1. Eyah blood lyk stranger.......nxt episode plz

  2. It's touching...i don't want 2 miss any of d episodes...Wen is d next episode comin out...


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