Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Just incase you missed EPISODE 5, you can read it ---->> HERE. ENJOY the CONTINUATION and always remember to COMMENT and SHARE!

Jake woke up with a serious pain on his head. Suddenly, he remembered what had happened.
“Where am I? Janice? Janice?", He called out.
“She’s not here sir”, a voice answered him from the dark room.
Jake - “Who is there? Can someone please switch on the light?”
“You don’t need any light sir police”, the voice answered.
Jake - “Who are you? What do you want from me?”
“Relax DCO; it’s my boss who wants to see you. He’ll be here in a minute, okay?”, the voice answered.
Jake - “Your boss? Who is your boss?”
“I am his boss”, Ray answered and the lights were switched on.
Jake - “Mr. Raymond Smart?”
Ray - “Yes DCO. I brought you here so we could have a little chat. Hope you are comfortable? You better make yourself at home. I’ve wanted to have this chat for a while now but I was been held back by someone dear to me”
Jake - “What do you want to talk about? Is it about your father?”
Ray - “My father? No. it’s not about my father, it’s about my fiancée Janice”.

Jake opened his eyes wide – so it’s true, Janice is actually Raymond’s fiancée.

Ray - “I believe you know who I’m talking about”
Jake - “I know about 2 or 3 Janice. Which one are you talking about?”
Ray - “Don’t play dumb with me Jake. Janice Richardson, your girlfriend”
Jake - “Oh! How come my girlfriend is your fiancée?
Ray - “I should ask you that. Anyways, I heard you are investigating her. Don’t you think you are going too far? I mean it’s my father that died, not yours. You are not even afraid to investigate me, now you are also investigating my fiancée. I think you should be sent back to where you came from. The police here do not need you. And before I go, let me remind you that as from today it’s over between you and Janice. I won’t let you go if you ever bother her again. And make sure not to ever call her again. Okay?”
Jake - “Okay”.

Jake’s eyes were tied and was dumped by the road side. He took a cab to his house. When he dropped and tried to open his door, he found that there’s a key on the inside.
"Could it be Janice?" - He thought. He stepped into the living room and found Janice sitting crossed leg on his couch.
Jake - “What the hell are you doing here Janice?”
Janice - “To make sure that you don’t misunderstand”
Jake - “Misunderstand what?”
Janice - “Everything Ray said. I still can’t believe you would investigate me though, but I guess you were Smarter than I thought”
Jake - “Janice, do you know anything about Prof. Smart’s death?”
Janice - “Was that why you ordered to investigate me?”
Jake - “Answer my question first”
Janice - “Well, I know nothing. And what if I do? Do you have any evidence against me?”
Jake - “Don’t be so confident dear. If you have anything to do with Smart’s death, I swear I will find the evidence and you’ll face the consequences. Now will you please leave my house?”
Janice - “So soon? I thought we should have hot sex for the last time. You are actually the best on bed, you know?”
Jake - “Give me my keys and get the hell out of my house. You and I are over”, he yelled at her furiously for the first time ever since they've been dating.
Janice - “Over? Funny you! There was never a You and I. We’ve been over from the beginning. I only got close to you because I need a police backup and you happen to fall for me. Anyways, goodluck darling Jake as you find the murderer of Professor Smart”, she laughed hysterically and left the house.

Jake went to the bar, brought out a bottle of whiskey and emptied the content into a glass. He finished it in one gulp. Who exactly is behind this murder case? He picked his phone and called Bryan. He updated him about his kidnap and told him to set up a meeting between him and Freda, Senator Davies daughter.

Three days later, Jake was in his office and sitting right opposite him is the beautiful Freda Davies.
Jake - “Miss Freda Davies, I’m sorry to call you out here. My name is Jake Hammed and I am the new DCO for this area”
Freda - “It’s a pleasure meeting you”
Jake - “Oh no, the pleasure is mine. Truthfully, when I heard about you I never imagined you were this beautiful”
Freda - “You flatter me, but thanks anyway”
Jake - “Do you care for coffee?”
Freda - “Never mind, let’s get straight to business”
Jake - “Alright. The reason I invited you over is to…”
Freda - “Investigate me on Prof Smart’s murder”, she cut in.

Jake was amused by her boldness.
Jake - “Oh no, that’s not it. Although you are not completely wrong, it’s about Prof. Smart but I won’t call it an investigation. Instead I need your help with my investigations”
Freda - “My help? How do you mean?”
Jake - “Prof. Smart almost became your father-in-law according to what I heard. Is that true?”
Freda - “It is. But that was true until Prof. Smart killed my father”
Jake - “What?? How do you mean Prof Smart killed your father? That’s a serious accusation. I learnt they were friends”
Freda - “They were friends until my father became greedy and wanted me to marry his son. When his son refused to marry me, my father became angry and threatened to withdraw all his investments from the Smart’s farm”
Jake - “But I learnt your father withdrew all his investment”
Freda - “That was the story. My father was supposed to meet with his lawyer on the following Monday and he was murdered on Saturday”
Jake - “But I read your statement when your father died, you never mentioned this to the police”
Freda - “Are you sure you read my statement or what they said was my statement? I came to the former DCO then but I wasn’t acknowledged so I got tired”
Jake - “Hmm. But the reason I called you here today is to ask you what kind of person Ray is”
Freda - “If you want to know if he killed his father, I don’t think so. He had his differences with his father but I don’t think he can ever kill his father”
Jake - “Okay. If that’s what you think”
Freda - “However, when it comes to Ray’s fiancée, I don’t trust her she once threatened to waste my life if I don’t convince my father to stop trying to marry me off to Ray”
Jake - “When you say Ray’s fiancée, you are talking of..”
Freda - “Janice”
Jake - “Okay. Thanks for your help miss Freda. Once again I'm sorry to bother you”
Freda - “No problem”
Jake - “Let’s do lunch sometime when you are less busy”
Freda - “Sure”.

Freda left and Jake called for Bryan.
Jake - “Bryan, you were here at the time of Senator Davies right? Why is there no record of investigation in his file? I mean the murder of such a prominent man must have been investigated, why is there no record of such”
Bryan - “Sir, the truth is I wanted to take up the case then, but the then DCO never gave me his permission so I gave up”
Jake - “Have you ever had any speculation of who the murderer may be?
Bryan - “All fingers pointed at Prof. Smart then, but after it was discovered that the Senator already withdrew his investments from Smart’s farm, it was dismissed”
Jake - “Okay. I want you to investigate Freda Davies”
Bryan - “Freda Davies? Why?”
Jake - “I really don’t know why. But my instincts tells me so”.

“Okay”, Bryan said and left Jake’s office in bewilderment. Jake must be crazy. Why else would he want to investigate Freda?

...to be continued!

Written by: TEE SILVA
E-mail: temi2mmy@yahoo.com


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  1. Walahi, If Na me b jake I go kill Janice.

  2. This is getting more interesting... Kudos to Tee Silva

  3. Something is seriously fishy, interesting, kudos to d writer


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